Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @e_arbaiza

    Week 7 Summary

    Completed Radio Show Radio Show Process and Progress As I mentioned before, my group with Mark, Ben, Anna did a good job of keeping everything on Google docs and delegating responsibilities accordingly. This week we met on Monday to go over all … Continue reading
  2. @e_arbaiza

    Daily Create

    @ds106dc sitting on the bus with over 30 guys getting pumped for our biggest game this season #letsgowash #tdc1741 — Elvin Arbaiza (@e_arbaiza) October 14, 2016 I created a photograph with my words, as I looked around the bus and … Continue reading
  3. @e_arbaiza

    Daily Create

      #ds106 reply to me w/ tag #tdc1740 Rain or shine, your city/town/burg is beautiful. Show us the magic — ds106 Daily Create (@ds106dc) October 13, 2016   This is a picture I have on my phone from … Continue reading
  4. @e_arbaiza


    This Photo of my nephew Jacob! This photo stands for unity because this little guy brought two families together but not only united us but all felt like the whole hospital was united. This photo represent balance for the equableness … Continue reading
  5. @e_arbaiza


    Here’s a screenshot of the time my Photoblitz began. This is the list. This photo represents Hope, whenever a person gets on a plane they hope to reach their next destination safely. The theme is Red, because the Washington Nationals won their game … Continue reading
  6. @e_arbaiza

    Internet 46

    “A Logic Named Joe” Murray Leinster getting down the modern internet back in 1946 what’s crazy about this how accurate it guesses the problems  that happen when people find out to much information on the web out about personal information … Continue reading
  7. @e_arbaiza

    Web 2.0

    Digital story telling is changing the way we express ourselves but also kinda of a getaway for the things we dream of or always wish we can do. Social media helps us express ourselves but also connect with others. Digital … Continue reading

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