Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Giulia

    Drive by learning

    Evidence that learning cannot be contained within the boundaries of a course, I’ve taken a couple double takes reading both Audrey Watters’ and Mike Caulfield’s excellent critiques about Sugra Mitra and his Hole in the Wall project in India. Caulfield also tweeted a link to this excellent essay by Morozov touching on the topic of […]
  2. Giulia

    Data Mine

    Another great #etmooc session this eve. Audrey Watters dropped some awesome thought bombs. She posed some challenging questions, as we move beyond the analog manilla envelope (like her mom collected of her school artefacts) into the digital realm and quintillions of bytes are collected daily. How do students, teachers, administrators, schools, and governments decide who […]
  3. Giulia

    #ds106, valentine edition

    Lots of funny #ds106valentine caption assignments seizing the moment today. I know everyone is working hard on their #ds106 Valentine Day Caption Challenge #ds106 #etmooc — Alan Levine (@cogdog) February 14, 2013 How could I not oblige? After watching smart librarians attempt to engage in civil, meaningful debate on twitter I thought I should […]
  4. Giulia

    EDCMOOC: Utopia, as x approaches c

    There’s a lot to like about the EDCMOOC currently running in Coursera. It’s probably the closest thing I’ve seen to a cMOOC on an xMOOC platform. That said, the platform hinders its greatness. This course would be just about perfect if it existed entirely on the open web. Indeed, much of it does. I like […]
  5. Giulia

    spring eternal

    My post on permanence reminded me of this story I read back ages ago from Owning Your Own Shadow by Robert Johnson. All gifs are from the film, Baraka. Once upon a time, many moons ago in the middle of a tiny village there was a natural spring that flowed with the most magical water. […]
  6. Giulia

    Never Gonna GIF You UP

    Never gonna let you down… In a series of events that can only be described as a Rick Roll gone horribly wrong, my 13 year old is obsessed with Rick Astley. Which must be some kind of ultimate Rick Roll, I’m sure. For Christmas, she has requested an animated GIF of Rick and seeing as […]
  7. Giulia

    Permanence Lost

    Reading Chris Lott’s poetic comment about loss in response to Jim’s assertion that Nothing is Lost …there’s not only nothing wrong with writing one’s poem and...
  8. Giulia

    Archiving Insights

    I’ve just returned from three excellent professional development events: BC Campus Online Community Enthusiasts (#OCE2012), Northern Voice (#nv12) and Society for Teaching, Learning in Higher...
  9. Giulia

    Surreal Moments

    So I’m sitting here at Toronto International Pearson Airport en route to Vancouver for Northern Voice, grabbing a bite to eat. On the television, Germany...
  10. Giulia


    After seeing this tweet: The insanity is not only a belief in THE test, but the premise that ANY test is suitable 2 determine another’s...
  11. Giulia

    How We Measure

    I’m really enjoying @CathyNDavidson’s book Now We See It. I find the chapter on assessment, How We Measure quite fascinating. As the rhetoric around accountability...
  12. Giulia


    March flew by without a single blog post. I’ve been drawing. A lot. But not my doodle-a-day, not some critique of academic publishing. No, I’ve...

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