Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
I’d like to tell you a story of bread and spandex. First, there was this tweet… #ds106… I give you this as a present....
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe She raced up the steps to the top of the parking garage. She knew the perfect spot to catch the last gasp of the sun as it set … Continue reading →
What can I say? Beatrix rocks. (From Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill) Kudos to Ben for his Lebowski TED Talk, (where you can also download his awesome Photoshop template) and of course, creating this killer Fantasy Ted Talk assignment. Also huge … Continue reading →
If there was any doubt about Tom Woodward’s assertion that the Snowball effect is a key to DS106 success, I hereby present to you the tale of the Yam-snowball-visual assignment 311: Yam Yam: Add a yam to your favorite movie … Continue reading →
Following the lead from cogdog, Lisa M Lane, Scottlo, Stephen Downes and now Michael Branson Smith I decided to also take jump into the photo word translation Visual Assignment 307: Make The Untranslatable Understood I used the No-English-Translation Random Word … Continue reading →
Inspired by Jim’s Etherized on a Table and Joan’s There is Time, I decided to also give Serena’s Picturing Prufrock assignment a whirl. The symbolism in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is so rich. Every line has imagery … Continue reading →
I’m not going to shake the magic 8 ball or come up with a list of really insightful surprise predictions for 2012. Instead I’m attempting @cogdog’s new #ds106 assignment to illustrate something meaningful out of random words. ReCaptcha Predictions! This … Continue reading →
Must. Make. DOG. GIF. ASAP! Why must I make a dog gif? Well, let me take you on a journey through my thought process. As you may know, I have already written how much I love photograph nostalgia like Dear … Continue reading →
In honour of Mikhail Gershovich‘s turn to collect teaching carnival links, I did a little drawing for him. cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe And now, I cannot get Tom Waits out of my … Continue reading →
Having exhausted everyone in my physical proximity, I was sitting around this weekend just hoping someone would ask me about DS106. Oh, Tom, I’m so glad you asked: This is the second animation that I’ve tried using this method. The … Continue reading →
This week’s #change11 facilitator is Dave Cormier, talking about Rhizomatic Learning – Why We Learn. I saw him present at the University of Guelph #eportfolio week earlier this year. I know that as the Manager, Web Communications and Innovations of … Continue reading →
I have a renewed sense of vigour about injustice, irony and absurdity after being recharged from the electric energy emanating out of Utah and the OpenEd conference.
The Twitterz and The Blogs are lit up with
Trying to document a very small piece of learning from my challenge to @dkernohan for our new-non-existent-but-hopefully-will-be-created-soonUPDATE: EXISTing make-a-wish-MOOC #econoMOOC. “price deflation can be fought by dropping money out of a helicopter” Friedman, M. Looking at Milton Friedman and monetarism … Continue reading →
When I first read Michael Feldstein’s post about DS106: Can Enlightenment Scale, I sincerely believed that when he used the term gadfly he actually meant it as a compliment. cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by … Continue reading →
It is Open Access Week and I’ve been listening intently to the proceedings around the world. In particular, I’ve been listening to my friends and colleagues broadcast DS106Radio from the Open Education 2011 Conference in Utah. This morning Jim Groom … Continue reading →
As Jim Groom documented, he, Grant Potter and GNA Garcia broadcasted #ds106radio from ContactCon in NYC this week. The Free Network at ContactCon cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by grant.potter I was reading petervan’s post … Continue reading →
Thursday October 20 from 9pm-midnight #ds106radio was lucky to have our ears and souls rocked by a strong contingent of #ds106radio heads: @DrGarcia, @jimgroom, @grantpotter, @mikhailg, @mbransons and special guests: @boone, @polarismusic, @louiskatz NYC #ds106radio 1st hour cc licensed ( … Continue reading →
While I generally do not like spending a great deal of time with photos of myself, I was compelled to try Spubble assignment because I needed a good reason to use Aviary and Picnik. If I didn’t have Photoshop I … Continue reading →
In honour of
DS106Radio's new awesome PBX VoIP toll free number (1-888-720-4178)
Jim Groom's desire for some theatrical costumes (non-"dirty-hippy-aesthetic") at the #occupytogether movements
My eternal love of everything and anything DS106Radio
I ask you:
Can you dig the 99 percent?
Continue reading →
Dear Photograph,
I took you with my first camera, the day we moved away from Toronto. The instant photograph started black and slowly shapes form, yellowish at first, faces appear, details emerge, The instant photograph started black and slowly shapes form, yellowish at first, faces appear, details emerge, colours burst- the image is created just as the moment ends. Continue reading →
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS!!! Now is the time for the #ds106radio community to show their love!! DS106Radio is what happens when you mix a tweeting bava one tinkerer AND a whole lot of enthusiastic music-loving story tellers [View the story "Genesis … Continue reading →
"If anyone wants to take the HTML version and create an Egyptian hieroglyphics version delivered via 1988 version of HyperCard - well, they can" Continue reading →
I am the morning DJ on DS106
Playing all the hits for you wherever you may be
The bright good-morning voice who's heard but never seen
Feeling all of thirty-five going on thirteen Continue reading →
In honour of my twitter getting hijacked by badge discussions, I made an animated GIF of the most frequently tweeted youtube link, “We don’t need no stinkin’ Badges!” (which also is listed as one of the most racist film scenes … Continue reading →