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  1. greyartist

    Networking Lab 7

    Objectives: To build a network and include subnets within it. To configure the router(s) so all of the terminals can be connected and utilize the subnets. Equipment list: Routers(3), crossover cable, cat5 cables, computers, downloaded a hyperterminal to configure the routers  Notes and Observations: This proved to be a difficult lab in terms of getting […]
  2. greyartist

    Video Project References

    Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla : Biography of a Genius (paperback book) “A Man of the Future,” The Times (Richmond, VA), October 21,1894, Page 2, Image 2, col. 1-4“Strangest Man in New York,” The Salt Lake Herald (Salt Lake City, UT), June 27, 1897, Page 17, Image 17, col. 4-6
  3. greyartist

    Networking Lab 6

    Objectives: To use Apache to set up web servers and connect with other computers in the classroom and to alter the document root so the homepage for the server can be different from the default. Equipment list: Computer, apache software Notes and Observations: Downloaded Apache and installed. Used localhost to see the homepage after setting […]
  4. greyartist

    Networking Lab 5

    Objectives: To capture packets using Wireshark and observe the different types of information the program presents depending on the activity being done while capturing.   Equipment list: laptop, wireshark program   Notes and Observations: This was hard to understand at first. It was interesting to see that TCP had sequence numbers and UTP didn’t. I […]
  5. greyartist

    Networking Blog 5

    This week I learned about a program called Wireshark. It captures internet packet activity and provides information about what is sent and received while it is operating. There are different pieces of information provided depending on what activity you are doing. I looked at information sent and received when viewing/accessing a web page. The middle […]
  6. greyartist

    Networking Lab 4

    Objectives: To configure a network of several computers using a switch, change the IP address of my workstation, and then to ping neighboring computers. Also, a goal was to configure a router.  Equipment list: Switch, several workstations, router, UTP cables  Notes and Observations: My group followed the lab and went through changing our IP addresses […]
  7. greyartist

    Lab 3

    If we already had the TCP/IP model, why was the more complicated OSI model created?It allows for the development of communication layers with each layer providing its own specialized function within the structure. It became a way to standardize the rules of networking. What does the abbreviation OSI stand for? Who originated it? When?Open […]
  8. greyartist

    Lab 3 OSI Model

    Layer # Layer Name Mnemonic Keywords & Description of Function 7  Application  Away  datagrams, software layer, network aware programs: FTP, HTTP, email 6  Presentation  Pizza  datagrams, software layer, controls context between application layer and lower layers by using different syntax and symantics 5  Session  Sausage  datagrams, controls the dialogue between computers, software layer 4  Transport […]
  9. greyartist

    Networking Blog 2

    This week I learned how to create ethernet cable using cabling and connectors. I initially did the first connection wrong, but my second attempt was successful and I got both ends hooked up correctly. When I tested the cable it passed, and I was pleased with my work. Seeing this type of cabling wasn’t new […]
  10. greyartist

    Networking Blog 3

    This week I learned about the OSI model. I learned that there are seven layers within this model, what they are, and what each layer’s protocol data unit is. I find all of this confusing still, but I hope that over time it will become easier to understand. All the material for the OSI model […]
  11. greyartist

    Week 3

    I didn’t do as well this week as I did in the first 2. I’ve had some issues locating the blogs of my classmates and I ran short on time to complete everything I would have liked to. I’m finding it hard to keep up working 4-5 days a week plus taking 15 credit hours ...
  12. greyartist

    Networking Week 1; Lab 1

    This week I added the definition/term ‘range extender’ to the wikispaces glossary for Networking. I also posted a bookmark on Diigo to an interesting article about the superbowl ads. I learned about creating and posting a web page this week. I made 3 pages from scratch and changed a few of the elements by ...
  13. greyartist

    I am from…

    I am from… I am from children’s toys from musical instruments and Nintendo I am from the small house across from the playground I am from the dandelions The cottonwood tree whose long gone limbs I remember as if they were my own. I’m from movies on Christmas eve and a family of farmers from ...
  14. greyartist

    Week 1

    This week has been difficult. I am having to become familiar with several different websites that I previously haven’t explored. I’ve had to learn about blogging, which is something I’ve thought about but never done. I’m still struggling to figure everything out, and I’m trying to cope with feeling very out of place. I would ...
  15. greyartist

    Black History Month Proposal

    I’ve found about 11-12 different African Americans who are linked to Kansas that would serve as subjects for the poster project. Hattie McDaniel (actress) Aaron Douglas (painter and graphic artist) Gwendolyn Brooks (poet) Janelle Monae (singer/songwriter) Charlie Parker (songwriter/saxophonist) Gordon Parks (photographer/director/songwriter/pianist/writer) Barry Sanders (football player) Gale Sayers (football player) Lynette Woodard (basketball player) Bobby ...

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