Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Jose Carlos

    Final Gift

      Ended, the ds106 MOOC It was an excellent experience that will stay for life, a great community that was created, and will never disappear. Thanks Jim and all the members, for the excellent time of sharing and learning that … Continuar a ler
  2. Jose Carlos

    Final Gift

      Ended, the ds106 MOOC It was an excellent experience that will stay for life, a great community that was created, and will never disappear. Thanks Jim and all the members, for the excellent time of sharing and learning that … Continuar a ler
  3. Jose Carlos

    El Mashup

    After several weeks of complicated work, here is my mashup assignment. I used the web page from Apple, to transform. First I down all images with teleport pro and flashget to down to all js, css and html files. After I use Dreamweaver to edit html, and fix the links in js and css files. ...
  4. Jose Carlos

    El Mashup

    After several weeks of complicated work, here is my mashup assignment. I used the web page from Apple, to transform. First I down all images with teleport pro and flashget to down to all js, css and html files. After … Continuar a ler
  5. Jose Carlos

    DS106 webstories

          For this assignment I start to install Firebug and ScreenGrab in my Firefox (I never used, but now I see they are greats addons for Firefox). To make this assignment, the idea is to tell stories within existing spaces on the Web. Not easy in the begin, find the story and the ...
  6. Jose Carlos

    DS106 webstories

          For this assignment I start to install Firebug and ScreenGrab in my Firefox (I never used, but now I see they are greats addons for Firefox). To make this assignment, the idea is to tell stories within existing spaces on the Web. Not easy in the begin, find the story and the ...
  7. Jose Carlos

    The Fugitive – sound story

    To make this Audio Assignments, I needed to create one account in thefreesoundproject, to download the sounds. After remix all in Audacity and export to mp3 Before creating the post, I installed the audio player plugin in my blog Here the sound story: the fugitive Audio tracks from wind - ERH Storm200408 - csengeri ...
  8. Jose Carlos

    My favs

    Select the photos and design assignments I have enjoyed from others, is not easy, because so many great stuff were done. My first highlighted, go to the video presentation of Tim Owens, full of creativity. Hi, My Name Is from Tim Owens on Vimeo. Several great pictures, but I note two interesting perspectives, one from ...
  9. Jose Carlos

    Thinking DS106

    The name of the blog from S. Downes "Let's Make Some Art, Dammit" is what I feeling for everything we have done so far. We have done pure art. The different assignments are allowed to develop design techniques, ability to abstract and simplicity in the transmission of information. I feel I have developed my skills ...
  10. Jose Carlos


    After taking some inspiration in the movie poster of Jim (The Birds) I decided to make another great movie about one of the great masters of suspense, Hitchcock Here the minimalistic movie posters assignment for ds106 Another version:
  11. Jose Carlos

    Five Card Flickr Stories

    Five Card Story: Another Morning Hangover a ds106 story created by Jose Carlos flickr photo by cogdogblog flickr photo by cogdogblog flickr photo by sahmad90 flickr photo by pakalko21 flickr photo by cogdogblog Another day, another morning hangover. My mouth is dry, desperately seeking something to drink. Only left a glass of water ... I ...
  12. Jose Carlos

    The Four Icon Challenge

    Reduce a movie to 4 icons, is a great challenge. The important is focus in the guide ideas of the movie, and I think I made this. Let's see the comments, to check if the people identify easily the movie
  13. Jose Carlos

    Web2.0 Storytelling

    After read the articles “What is Web 2.0?” (Tim O’Reilly’s, 2005), “Web 2.0 Storytelling: The Emergence of a New Genre” (Bryan Alexander and Alan Levine’s, 2008), and Seven Things You Should Know about Creative Commons (EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, 2007), suggested by Jim, I tried to find some of the main ideas of each article, and ...
  14. Jose Carlos

    Putting the Helmet

    Credits: Finally I was able to read the article “A Personal Cyberinfrastructure” and see the video “No More Digital Facelifts” of Gardner Campbell, after a busy week. While reading the article, I began to see a light at the end of the tunnel and the puzzle pieces to reveal a metaphor “putting the helmet ...
  15. Jose Carlos

    Plugins upgrade

    credits: Finally I decided to activate Akismet on my blog after got API Key, and there it is working beautifully. The other plugins suggested by Jim, I installed the Subscribe Comments and Twitter Tools. The Google Analytics I have installed. After analyzing the plugin Twitter Tools, which requires several steps to be running well, ...

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