Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. jlundberg

    Fast Forward 50 Years

    I saw this challenge and immediately started it. I will have to admit something though. I am already 44 years old, and I’ll be dead before 50 more years passes. So you’ll have to accept what I give you. I guessing that if I was 18 years old, I’d look this picture at 68-70 years […]
  2. jlundberg

    Barcode Blaster

    I was rather intrigued by the idea of cookie cutting a shape out of a barcode. The use of vertical lines along with the implied lines that make up the shape in question work very well together and I don’t have a problem identifying the image in any of the examples I’ve looked at. I […]
  3. jlundberg

    Minimalist Movie Poster

    I love movies. I love at least one film from each genre. I used to collect movie posters and hang them on my walls. I’m 44 years old now, s that type of decorating simply won’t be tolerated, but I still enjoy a good movie poster. Having said that, when I saw this assignment, I knew I had to […]
  4. jlundberg

    ONE Story, FOUR Icons

    I selected some of the images for this assignment from the internet, and some I created on my own. I just placed them into MS Paint in the order of the story. I really liked this story when I was first introduced to it. I regularly enjoy a solid drama, but there are times when […]
  5. jlundberg

    PhotoSafari Week 6

    This was a fun assignment. It was also fun to get strange looks rom people as I laid down in the bushes or in the middle of the sidewalk to get the shot I wanted. Design principles for photography are the same in my opinion as design principles in art in general. We discuss such […]
  6. jlundberg

    A few of my favorite things… to start.

    I have many things in my life that I love but unfortunately don’t have photographs of all of them. So I am uploading some of the photos that I DO have as a start. first off, I love my country. I love what it used to be, and what it can be once again with […]
  7. jlundberg

    Week 5 Weekly Summary PHOTOGRAPHY

    Photography is a strange trade these days. With the age of the smartphone, everyone seems to take many pictures throughout each and every day of their lives, but it seems that the art of the act is being lost. Instead of producing a quality image to be displayed on the wall of one’s home, nicely framed, […]
  8. jlundberg


    by This assignment was a hell of a lot of fun. I had never tried to do this type of editing before but had seen finished products countless times, and really appreciate the effect that it gives. In selecting an image to use, I wanted to emphasize an emotion as well as a visual image […]
  9. jlundberg

    Photography Tips and Tricks

    This week has provided me with an opportunity to explore some tips and tricks in various areas of photography. It has also educated me on where to find useful, and powerful ideas that I may never have thought of otherwise. I particularly enjoyed the tips and tricks by Mr. David duChemin with regards to perspective […]
  10. jlundberg


    I must have wandered around my house looking for something to complete this assignment with for an hour. I just couldn’t make a connection with anything. Then I was at my desk staring at the scotch tape dispenser and I thought to myself: “That’ll work!” I began twisting and turning it in different directions and placing […]
  11. jlundberg

    Album Cover

    I remember when I was younger that I was very much into music. My music. I collected albums and would just sit and listen as it brought me to a different world. These days, it seems as though recording artists aren’t too concerned with creating albums anymore. They seem more content with 1 or 2 […]
  12. jlundberg


    Walking around and taking photographs of everyday things around my home was a fun yet different experience. My house is nestled at the end of a Cul-de-sac, but on the edge of the woods. I have plenty of woods to venture into, which I hope to photograph soon. I look at the items in my home everyday […]
  13. jlundberg

    Weekly Summary 4 ds106

    This week was both fun and extremely frustrating at the same time. I will vent my frustrations with the multitude of applications first. I don’t know if it is only me, but I have been having some difficulty getting my Sound Cloud file to load properly on my blog. I have tried all of the […]
  14. jlundberg

    My 1 and a Half Star Contest

      So, for my second assignment of the week, I chose to take on the audio assignment entitled “The Contest Nobody Could Win”. I actually sat at my desk and said, “I’ll take “The Contest Nobody Could Win” for 1 and a half stars Alex”. I thought I could knock this out in 20 minutes […]
  15. jlundberg

    Car Chase Commentary Week 4 Assignment

    I’ve always thought that news reporters were just glorified gawkers, and when I saw the opportunity to poke a little fun at them while also completing an assignment for ds106, I couldn’t pass it up. I found a pretty boring car chase scene online and downloaded it. I then used Wondershare to detach the existing […]
  16. jlundberg

    Listening to “The Truth”…

    I chose to listen to three episodes of “The Truth” this week. They were entitled “Falling”, “Fine Dining” and “It’s Going To Change Your Life”. In all honesty, I have never really given much thought to these kinds of radio shows, stories and the like. Having moved around from place to place over the years and with […]
  17. jlundberg

    About Audio Storytelling

    Watching both Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad’s videos made me realize that far more was going on inside my head than simply listening to the radio. They both share insight on audio storytelling that is both honest and from personal experiences. Glass’s 2 building blocks for a story really do make sense. The first block of his storytelling foundation […]
  18. jlundberg

    Weekly Summary for Week 3

    This summary will take a little longer since I a lot of work this week, but didn’t we all? I thoroughly enjoyed all of the assignments this week, they were each different in their own way, but all were fun. I started with “What does storytelling mean to me?” As I stated in my post, […]
  19. jlundberg

    Appreciating DS106 of the past

    I thoroughly enjoyed the “Silent Era: Back to the Future” submission by Ben Rimes. I have seen all of the Back to the Future films over the years, and enjoyed them all. I also used to like watching all of the old time silent movies on Saturday mornings with my sisters. The actors in those films […]
  20. jlundberg

    We All Have A Story To Tell.

    Stories are a part of everyday life. Each and every day we hear some type of story from someone. News stories, the reason why your co-worker was late for work story, and even the bed time story you make up for your child at bedtime. Stories have a incredible ability to take us from where we […]
  21. jlundberg

    Weekly Summary 2

    Well this week was a tad more involved than last week. I completed my daily creates each day, and found them increasingly fun, especially the GIF one, as I had never made a gif before. I also created a digital story for the “other side of…”, it was rudimentary at best, but still a good […]
  22. jlundberg

    Wesch Reflection

    I admit I am a novice in most things computer oriented, but that didn’t stop me from being thoroughly engrossed and entertained by Michael Wesch’s presentation. When he began to talk about how most teachers have lost their students, and how most students are detached from the learning process, it made me feel good. Good […]
  23. jlundberg

    Gardner Campbell Reflection

    As I read Campbell’s article entitled “A Personal Cyberinfrastructure”, I felt like I was part of a desired end result that he envisioned some time ago to further join education and technology. I had previously taken online classes with another university, however, the experience wasn’t the same. There was a single interface, and the communication […]
  24. jlundberg

    First Blog Post on Scottlo Podcast

    by This was basically a “Hi how are ya?” podcast. Letting us know what he feels would benefit us, the listeners, by listening. I agree that some audio work with music and voice overlay would be of great value. I look forward to taking part in that type of work.

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