Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. joemurphy

    Happy birthday

    I’ve been amused by the #15secondshakespeare phenomenon, so I was pretty stoked when it showed up as a daily create. I actually thought I was going to do a different old standard… but then, in honor of making another trip around the sun, I picked this one. Honestly, I’m kind of hoping it’ll go viral. … Continue reading Happy birthday
  2. joemurphy

    Tender Years

    I had the distinct pleasure last week of hosting Joe Lambert and Brooke Hessler from the Center for Digital Storytelling for a workshop at Kenyon. I believed that I was going in as the on-site tech support guy, so I didn’t think I was going to make a story. See,  I was going to be … Continue reading Tender Years
  3. joemurphy

    Hamster Dance

    I bought myself an Intuos tablet some time ago at work, on the grounds that I would use it for Big Serious Stuff like annotating screenshots or making screencapture videos. In theory, drawing with a mouse is hard and a pen interface should be easier. In practice, a tablet input is neither like a mouse … Continue reading Hamster Dance
  4. joemurphy

    There goes the last DJ

    I agreed to give a mini-workshop on podcasting on Wednesday, to force myself to learn more about Audacity. Creating a bumper for DS106 Radio seemed like a good way to get started, and it’s a manageable amount of work for a 20-minute demonstration. Here’s the thing, followed by how I made it: First, I wanted […]
  5. joemurphy

    I almost believe that they’re real

    I’ve been intrigued by book spine stories for a while. I probably first saw them through LibraryThing’s contests (which they call bookpiles). Then recently, I was tagged in a wave of Facebook chain posts asking me to “list 10 books which have stuck with you.” I saw the call for TDC 984 while I was […]
  6. joemurphy

    John, John! I can see your house from here!

    .@damiengwalter I don’t think of Twitter as home. I think of it as the neighborhood my home is in, and I walk around talking to neighbors. — John Scalzi (@scalzi) September 13, 2014 I was intrigued by the “Draw Your Own Map of the Internet” project, and moreso when it became a Daily Create. But […]
  7. joemurphy

    I me mine

    Allright, I give. I’ve got a million things I want to say about DS106 Week 1, but if I don’t say something and hit publish, I’m never going to give myself permission to move on to week 2. Plus, I’m not part of the group conversation as long as these ideas are in my head. Rather than […]
  8. joemurphy

    Captain’s Log

    For TDC 951 Captain’s Log, 8/18/14. We are 3 days outside the Straits of Consumption. Bad weather off the Cliffs of Copyright; some debate about pulling into Safe Harbor to wait it out. But there’s little change in conditions predicted, so we agreed to proceed. Weather drills have been a Fair Use of crew time. Having […]
  9. joemurphy

    Troll Quotes

    The Troll Quotes assignment is another reason I signed up for DS106. We see plenty of motivational posters, demotivational posters, and LOLCATS, but I was just tickled by the idea of a three-way culture hack. The gloss on this one is a little tortured (heh), but - The screengrab is from The Muppet Movie. I was […]
  10. joemurphy

    Daily Create: BSOD

    I’d been looking at The Daily Create and one exercise in particular stood out as something I might find fun. There used to be a lot of computer technical support involved in my job, so working on an ASCII art Blue Screen Of Death seemed like a natural. (And it’s Exercise 386 –  how propitious.) So […]
  11. joemurphy

    Hello DS106!

    After years of hearing about DS106, and telling other people about it, maybe it’s time to actually try it out myself. I’ve gotten tired of dropping out of big corporate MOOCs because of their inflexible time frames and faceless approach to content delivery. I might like to learn in a community of makers. With any […]

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