Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @joskamtav

    Week FIVE! We survived!

    I am not sure if this weekly summary is suppose to be like the other’s but here’s what I thought of this week… I found the most challenging aspect of this week to be the brainstorming of the story that I would tell. Since most of the media forms have …
  2. @joskamtav

    How I Made My Short Story

    To make this story I used a variety of media outlets. Audio, Visual, Video, and Design were among the media outlets used for this story. As you may have felt, this story is slightly depressing haha but don’t be fool the making of this was full of laughs. It is …
  3. @joskamtav

    When Pet Friends Become Food

    9 year-old Isabella LOVES and ADORES her chickens. They aren’t just her pets, they are her very best friends! Every afternoon, Isabella goes outside to talk and play with her chickens. There isn’t anything in this world that makes Isabella happier than her pet chickens do. Look at that smile! …
  4. @joskamtav

    Week 4… One week left !!

    I enjoyed this week, as I mentioned in a previous blog post… I have often made commentary to myself while watching movies about the effects used. This weeks lesson gave those prior “effects” meaning and names. I learned about all of the different techniques that go into making a film. Prior …
  5. @joskamtav

    Send a message back in time

    These are the steps I took to make the video “letter” to my sixteen year old self. I first used Photo Booth on my iMac to record my video. In Photo Booth I used the comic book filter (that’s my favorite). I then opened up iMovie to begin editing. I …
  6. @joskamtav

    You want me to READ a MOVIE ?!

    I had never directly thought about reading a movie… not intentionally anyway. In the past I have found myself to critique angles or lighting used but never to pay them too much mind. Sort of like a quick mental note to myself. From reading Roger Ebert’s How to read a …
  7. @joskamtav

    How to make your own sign language video

    I’ve used iMovie in the past, maybe about 4 years ago. When I opened the application it was as if I’ve never used it… I was completely lost. After a few hours of playing around with it I finally semi figured it out. Here’s how I did it… Hopefully this …
  8. @joskamtav

    ….but I don’t even know sign language

    I have always wanted to learn sign language. At one point in life I was even trying to teach myself. The only sign I’ve managed to remember is the sign for bullish**… go figure haha. When I came across this video assignment I automatically knew I would give it a …
  9. @joskamtav

    Create A Good Morning Message

    If your a slightly shy person like myself I suggest you give this audio assignment a shot. Here’s the steps I took to create this. First I began by going to YouTube to look for some background music. I simply typed in “up beat music instrumentals”. I listened to a couple …
  10. @joskamtav

    Good Morning UMW!

    OK! So this assignment, though somewhat easy, was out of my league. The audio assignment was to create a “bright and cheery” good morning message for your community. I am a slightly shy person, so public good morning messages to an entire community isn’t something I’d normally do…which is why …
  11. @joskamtav

    Tell us what “that” song means to you!

    For this audio assignment I used two different sites, YouTube & SoundCloud. The steps were honestly pretty simple. Let me show you! I started off by first finding the video of  the song on YouTube. Once I found it, I headed over to  SoundCloud to record what it means to …
  12. @joskamtav

    Did they effectively get away with it ?

    So for this weeks listening to stories assignment, I decided to listen to Getting Away With It from This American Life. I chose this mainly because I am a fan of the show I Almost Got Away With It, so I figured this segment should contain some pretty interesting stories. …
  13. @joskamtav

    WEEK THREE! Almost at the finish line!

    Week three! Thank God we’re halfway there… I can’t lie this has been a pretty rough week for me. Determined to graduate on time, I am currently taking four classes this summer term. I know! Crazy! Lately I’ve managed to keep my head above water but this week has greatly …
  14. @joskamtav

    Week 2 down !

    Week two down! Woohoo! I feel like I’m finally starting to get the hang of this class. No I will not say I’m a pro, but this week didn’t stress me out as bad. I am definitely enjoying making all of these designs! The gif’s were probably my favorite this …
  15. @joskamtav

    DesignBlitz: What I gained from it…

    Minimalism & Use of Space: These are two of my favorite poetry books. When I read the piece on minimalism, I instantly thought of the cover of them. I feel like the author really captures the essence of minimalism. The first book is about overcoming heart break. I think that …
  16. @joskamtav

    Taking advice from The Vignelli Canon

    I found the booklet by Vignelli to be very informative and helpful. In the begging he brings up the term semantics, I had never heard of this term before. I found the term to be interesting because when I look at designs, I don’t necessarily think to understand all aspects …

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