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  1. kbarnes2

    Final Project Summary!

    The first digital media to start off my Narrative is a VideoAssignment that I created and added to the assignment bank. The assignment was to create a short video about a minute thirty seconds to two minute’s long about a character. Give the viewer an idea about what this character is like using about 3-5 […]
  2. kbarnes2

    Elf 2: Buddy Meets the Grinch

    Once upon a time there was an Elf named Buddy. Now for most of you I will not need to go any farther on Background about Buddy the Elf. But just a brief overview, Buddy the Elf is a human who was adopted by Papa Elf, and grew up in the North Pole. Buddy first […]
  3. kbarnes2

    Weekly Summary 13 & 14

    Error Error Error. Is all I felt like I saw these past two weeks. They have been very frustrating, not because I didn’t enjoy the work, but because I had countless errors occur. I felt so helpless at points, I wanted to be working on homework, but something would go wrong with a program, and […]
  4. kbarnes2

    10 Second Throwback Mashup

    I created this assignment called “10 Second Throwback.” For this assignment you have to create at least a 10 second long mashup of songs that are considered “throwbacks.” The music can be from any genre as long as it is nothing recent. I choose to use two songs each 5 second clips. My first song […]
  5. kbarnes2

    Alan Levine is headed to Sudan

    This project was one of the most challenging projects for me. I created this project 3 times on two different computers and was faced with so many challenges. One of my first challenges was getting the video to load, I would get to the part where you added a picture of where to send him, […]
  6. kbarnes2

    25 Days of Christmas Tutorial

    Tutorial for “25 Days till Christmas.” Step by Step. Step 1. Decide what program you are going to use to create the video. If you have a Macbook I highly recommend using iMovie, it is very simple to use, and there is a lot you can do with it. Stp 2. Find a Youtube to MP4 […]
  7. kbarnes2

    25 Days till Christmas

    25 Days till Christmas is a video assignment that I created. I thought of the idea on Thanksgiving day while my family was decorating for Christmas and watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas. One of my favorite things about Christmas is watching the Countdown to Christmas on ABC Family. For this assignment I challenge everyone to […]
  8. kbarnes2

    Remix vs. Mashup

    What is the difference between a mashup and a remix? A mashup is a song or composition created by blending two or more pre-recorded songs, usually by overlaying the vocal track of one song seamlessly over the instrumental track of another. A remix is more like alternate versions of work, while mashups blend two or […]
  9. kbarnes2

    4 Songs 1 Track

    Can you guess the Songs or Artists? Four Songs in one track. The inspiration behind all the songs comes from my favorite genre of music, Country. I created the soundtrack using Audacity. I took the four songs I wanted to use, trimmed them to roughly 4 seconds each, and then layered them into audacity. Next […]
  10. kbarnes2

    Sandra Bullock Mashup

    Actor Transformation: Okay so we all watch actors change roles and character. It’s crazy to see what they were like in the beginning of their career compared to now. Find a actor or actress and use film clips to show a metamorphous. One of my favorite actresses is Sandra Bullock, I think she is an incredible […]
  11. kbarnes2

    Movie Mashup!

    Harry Potter vs. Twilight, Movie Mashup Take a movie that you really like, Now take a movie that has been compared to it, and now make a new movie poster that incorporates the two. I choose to do my poster on Harry Potter and Twilight. When the twilight series first came out, it seemed like […]
  12. kbarnes2

    Scene Poster Remix: Uncle Bob

    Remixed: Capture/Screenshot a scene from an episode on a television show or a movie and try to make a poster for that episode or movie. Remix Card: Introduce an unexpected character into the assignment, someone as strange an unexpected as your Uncle Bob. Poster: I created my poster based off of one of my […]
  13. kbarnes2

    Weeks 11 and 12 Summary

    These past two weeks have been mostly enjoyable and not to stressful. I really enjoyed getting to pick video assignments, there were a lot to choose from, so I didn’t feel so limited, and could do assignments based on what I enjoyed. I used iMovie for all of my videos, which was very simple to […]
  14. kbarnes2

    My First Tweet

    Daily Create writing assignment: My First Tweet: Was a quote from my boyfriend’s uncle. “Who the F* would call during the Super Bowl” I look back at my first tweet and laugh because I remember this moment so clearly.
  15. kbarnes2

    Me talking to Me

    “Have a conversation with yourself” You had to film two separate videos  of yourself having a conversation. This video presented me with a lot of difficulties. I completed the conversation after just a few tries so that everything matched up perfectly. Then I looked up tutorials on Youtube to help me. I watched a lot of […]
  16. kbarnes2

    Looking forward to looking back

    “High School Memories” This project was a chance to relieve my High School memories. The assignment was to make a video that will take you back to your days in high school, and the times you may have forgotten. I decided to do this video assignment because I love looking back on my high school […]
  17. kbarnes2

    I’d rather be here…

    “Where do you want to go?” A video assignment that asks you were is somewhere you have always dreamed of going? Do a video montage of images/ and or video of a place that you would like to go, and add music that is native to that area or just something fun. I have never […]
  18. kbarnes2

    New York, New York, New York

    Sports team Pump up video: Choose your favorite sports team and make a video montage like you would see before a game. Finding a team to do a video montage on was the easy part. I have always been a baseball fan, and especially a Jeter fan, so it was only right that I created […]
  19. kbarnes2

    That Bleeping Censor

    That bleeping Censor was a Video Assignment that involved taking a clip from a movie, and choosing a word that is used a lot to bleep out.   You could bleep it out by a sound or by a phrase. I choose to use the very annoying sound of an alarm. By using iMovie and […]
  20. kbarnes2

    God Gave Me You

    As soon as I read over this assignment I was so excited. It was a special person montage. You had to create a video about a special person, and write about them and why you choose them. Right away I knew who I would make my video on. This was the first video assignment that […]
  21. kbarnes2

    Weekly Summary 10

    This week was really a good week. I enjoyed getting to explore iMovie. I honestly did not even know that I had it on my computer. Trying to figure out how to use iMovie was kind of a struggle, like any new program, it always takes a little getting used to. Evaluation of other radio […]
  22. kbarnes2


    Public Service Announcement: Do you care about a current issue in our society and want others to be aware of it too?? Well here is your chance! Pick (or make up) some type of issue. Create a video public service announcement to promote the issue you would like to be resolved! You can be as […]

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