Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. kbarnes2

    DSMWradio logo

    My proposed logo is the University of Mary Washington mascot Sammy the Eagle saying into a microphone “tune in to DSMWradio.” I always like these kind of logos that are simple but kind of blunt for what they stand for. In my logo Sammy the Eagle is clearly saying to listen to our radio show. […]
  2. kbarnes2

    Katie will contributeā€¦

    Our radio show is going to consist of current events, these events will not just be strictly focusing on news events across the world, but to spice it up a bit we will also be talking about sports. I will be focusing in on two things: 7 game playoff series between the Kansas City Royals, […]
  3. kbarnes2

    Week 6 SUMMARY!

    What a week!! The weeks seem to be moving by faster and faster now. This week I focused on some of the things that my other summaries had been lacking. One thing in particular were the names of the posts, Professor Polack suggested that I not just use the name of the assignment as the […]
  4. kbarnes2

    Design Blitz

    Design Blitz: Color: My first image was taken downtown, it is of a sign that represents complementary colors very well. The entire sign is basically just two colors, blue and orange, which are complementary of each other.   I also found a painted building that was not painted in complementary colors. Although the store does […]
  5. kbarnes2


    Our group met up on Thursday night. We began by introducing ourselves since none of us knew each other . Then we decided that the best form of communication was not email (which is what we had been using) but a group message would be way more convenient. We then decided on how to create […]
  6. kbarnes2


    How I am feeling. Mainly all about homework and how much I want to get it done before the weekend so that I am not stressed out come Sunday.
  7. kbarnes2

    Greetings from Fishersville

    Greetings from Fishersville, Virginia. Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, we are a close nit community. Fall is here and the most beautiful season for us. No matter where you go in the valley you are promised a beautiful view of the colorful mountains. Come visit us, you won’t be disappointed by the scenery or […]
  8. kbarnes2


    A combination of Walmart and Target. I choose Walmart and Target, because I wanted two well known corporations that people would recognize. I created it using GIMP  a free photo editing software. I overlapped the target symbol and put it on the end of the Walmart, creation a new name Walma, as well as made the […]
  9. kbarnes2

    We can do it!!

    Ds106 WWII propaganda poster. We can do it DS106!! The idea behind my poster is motivation for our DS106 section. The poster comes from the very popular Rosie the Riveter poster from WWII to show that the support behind the war was coming from the home front. Also to advertise that women were taking on […]
  10. kbarnes2

    Minimalist posterā€¦all 7 in one.

    What I have done with this poster is taken all 7 of the Harry Potter movies and combined them into one poster: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Harry Potter and the Order […]
  11. kbarnes2

    Take your guess!

    I’m thinking of a movie, your only four hints are a microphone, drugs, a guitar, and love. It didn’t take me long to come up with a movie to use for this project. The harder part was representing the movie in just four pictures, and not giving away what movie I was using. The movie […]
  12. kbarnes2


    Daily Create, of water moving in a class. I was trying to think of something interesting to do with water and how to make it move around. At first I just swirled it around in a cup, but that was to boring, so I decided to grab a straw and blow bubbles in the cup […]
  13. kbarnes2

    Week 5 Summary!!

    What a week. I really enjoyed this week compared to other weeks because the assignments involved more creativity and less knowing how to work a computer program or simply being good with technology. Every assignment gave guidelines but allowed you to really be yourself, and to learn from looking back at what worked and what […]
  14. kbarnes2

    Make a thread painting

    This daily create was difficult because I could not find string anywhere to create a painting. So I had to use a necklace. It was hard to get the necklace to bend in the ways that I wanted, so I had to create something fairly simple. I choose to do an hourglass sitting upright so […]
  15. kbarnes2

    Be a better photographer

    I focused in on three of the ten tricks in hope that I would get some really great pictures. All my tips came from the Ten ways to improve your craft, none of them involve buying gear.   The most useful trick for me was to look into the light. Use the light to your […]
  16. kbarnes2


    I choose to do my phtoblitzing in downtown FXBG. I choose downtown because downtown already is filled with so much beauty that I felt like I would be able to get some really beautiful pictures. It was a lot more challenging than I had anticipated though. I was not able to capture all the pictures […]
  17. kbarnes2

    Pimp Up Your Flickr

    I “pimped” up my flickr by creating a person URL address. I changed some of the settings so that my twitter and flickr were linked together, as well as changed the setting for sharing pictures. I decided that I did not want anyone to be able to copy my pictures and put them anywhere else. […]
  18. kbarnes2

    Draw it!!

    Transforming a photo into a drawing. I used a chalk it generator to create the drawing. The picture is of me and my best friend and our very different feelings toward all the snow we got last year. I don’t know about anyone else, but I sure am excited for winter, and definitely hoping for […]
  19. kbarnes2


    This assignment was defiantly a struggle for me. I am not super artistic or creative so just finding something that I could create others things out of was a big enough struggle in itself. I finally decided on a vitamin cap, because it was simple and since I don’t have a lot of artistic skills […]
  20. kbarnes2

    Make My Day

    “Plan Your Perfect Day” Wake up to watch the sun rise Drive down a backroad Spend time shooting with Grandpa Hang out with friends and family   Serve others Thank the Lord for another day.   My perfect day would be full of adventure, family, friends, and love. Getting the chance to be around people you […]
  21. kbarnes2

    Draw Your Professor, Daily Create

    Although I am a terrible drawer, here it is Professor Polack. She is in her back yard by the pool filming her weekly post. Notice she is standing because if you go into her office you will notice that she is always standing at her computer verses sitting. I think it’s good for your back […]
  22. kbarnes2

    Week 4 Summary!! WOAHH

    Week 4 has come to an end, and man has it been tough. I’m not sure about anyone else, but I faced some challenges this week. It took me midway through the week to finish the introduction to audio techniques. But I was able to pick up a lot of helpful information, that made things […]
  23. kbarnes2

    Sound Scapes

    by I choose Sound Scapes, which is just taking different sounds and combining them to create a piece of music. Sound Scapes was worth 4.5 stars. I could not get this one to automatically show up on the post so...
  24. kbarnes2

    Listening to DS106radio

    Listening to the ds106 radio has been a challenge for me. Every time I tuned in, it was just music playing, no sound, a class discussion on the wire, a show I have never seen. or a speaker, but I could only hear him for a couple of minutes, and then the sound would be […]

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