Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. kbarnes2

    Getting Away With It!!

    Getting Away with it was all about stories of people getting away with something, some serious, some funny, but all with one common denominator…they got away with it. Getting Away With It Podcast  A lot of what is said is relatable. In the beginning the speaker is interviewing a guy on a plane and he […]
  2. kbarnes2

    About Audio Storytelling

    Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad, both had some really intersting and helpful explanations toward Broadcasting. Something that just caught my attention really early on was how Ira explained how a story had to be a sequence of action. That it had to have momentum no matter how boring it was, the suspense had to be […]
  3. kbarnes2

    Week 3 Summary…Already!!

    Gosh it seems like this class is just flying by. This week was definitely my favorite so far. I enjoyed exploring more into what digital storytelling really is and getting the chance to think outside the box and put my own twist on the assignments. What is storytelling to me?   I really enjoyed this post […]
  4. kbarnes2

    Zoo’s daily create

    Zoo’s are fun Zoo’s are great Spend the day at the Zoo Zebra’s, elephants, lions, Slithering snakes too Zoo days are great Zoo days are fun Spend the day at the zoo  
  5. kbarnes2

    Appreciating DS106 of the past

    The blog I choose to visit was Hey, Ms. Parker. I definitely suggest checking it out, she did a great job. What attracted me to her blog was all the videos, GIF’s, and images she had posted. She had a few sentences and sometimes a short paragraph  followed by some sort of digital component. Also […]
  6. kbarnes2

    Tell a story in Five Frames

    Hey guys I submitted my Five photos to the group, so I am hoping they choose mine to post in the group on Flickr. Keep checking they might end up on there, click here to check!!! I challenge you to try and follow the story Coast to Coast If you are interested in hearing my […]
  7. kbarnes2

    Simple Shapes of Storytelling

    by My twist on the shapes of stories. One theme for Nine different movies. Cinderella Beauty and the Beast Jungle Book Little Mermaid Lion King Alladin Toy Story Finding Nemo Lilo and Stitch
  8. kbarnes2

    What is storytelling…to me?

    When I hear the word story telling, the image that always comes to my mind is someone sitting in a rocking chair with a book reading aloud to a group of children. I can remember sitting around listening to the teacher read up until second grade. I picture a short 15 minute book, with lots […]
  9. kbarnes2

    Week 2 Summary

    This week was definitely time consuming and challenging. I started my week off by completing my plugins series. Although downloading the plugins and activating them was not to difficult having them show up on my blog gave me the most trouble. I struggled with the fact that the tutorials on activating the plugins looked different […]
  10. kbarnes2

    Michael Wesch: Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able

    Michael Wecsh’s presentation was very interesting and definitely got me thinking about how we are learning, and how we are failing at learning. I am currently in school to become an educator so this video was especially interesting to me. I feel like everyone is always trying to figure it out, figure out how they […]
  11. kbarnes2

    Say it like the Peanut Butter

    Frozen GIF, This is my favorite movie, and I just love how Disney put a twist on things, and made it the love of a sister verses a kiss from her prince charming. I thought that creating the GIF was going to be super difficult but while I was researching I came across an article […]
  12. kbarnes2

    Gardner Campbell: Personal Cyberinfrastructure

    Gardner starts off by writing about the idea of progress and how progress an be achieved. He writes that progress is sometimes achieved by “looping back to earlier ideas whose vitality and importance were unrecognized or underexplored at the time, and bringing those ideas back into play in a new context.” He states that in […]
  13. kbarnes2

    DS106 Zone LoDown 001

    Scott Lockman’s podcast, was the first time I had ever listened to a podcast, or really even understood what it was. It was really interesting to see his idea and get an idea for where he sees this podcast going in the future. Based off this first podcast I am definitely looking forward to what […]
  14. kbarnes2

    Represent a Well-Known Story as a Transit Map

    A Map of the very popular Disney movie Frozen. The map shows all the points that Ana passed through on her search for her sister Elsa. Beginning with the castle, across the Harbor to the Wandering Oakens Trading Post and Sauna. Up the North Mountain where she encounters Elsa, and to the troll garden once […]
  15. kbarnes2

    Week 1 Summary

    This week has been nothing less than crazy. I am horrible when it comes to technology. My 70 year old Grandma can work her iPhone better than I can. So when the first assignment came in and I saw all that we had to do I was a bit nervous. I had never created a […]
  16. kbarnes2

    Tweet tweet!!

    Just a sophomore at Mary Wash, who loves life, adventure, and the opportunity to serve others. #ds106 — Katherine Barnes (@kbarnes2ds106) August 29, 2014

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