Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. kc90ds106

    Class Wrap-Up

    Storytelling means alot more to me now. Considering how much one can learn from it. During this course I gained a better understanding of what intrigues me. My interest for computer graphic design has grown more than I would have known. I think my best work on an assignment was for the animated GIF and […]
  2. kc90ds106

    Final Project Idea

    For the final project in class I have a basic idea. Throughout the semester my favorite activity was movie mashups also the animated gif. So the idea I came up with was to incorporate a video that combines two of those aspects into one. For example, I will use the movie mashup design and mix […]
  3. kc90ds106

    Jim Groom’s Reflection

    After watching Jim’s video about the modern era’s change in technology I couldn’t agree with him more. In this day and age everything we do is put onto the internet. We make a name for ourselves through the web. All of our actions can be documented on social media and that creates archives. Even the […]
  4. kc90ds106

    One Movie Watches Another

    The purpose of this assignment was to combine two movie scenes in which one scene looks as if it is watching the other movie scene. After completing the project it came out pretty realistic as if she was watching the movie. The two movies I chose were from Saving Private Ryan and The Fifth Element. […]
  5. kc90ds106

    Lifechanging Movie Scenes

    For this assignment we had to collect a few movie scenes that made a real impact on our lives. It could’ve been any type of emotion. To do this project I downloaded some clips from YouTube. I used the program windows movie maker to connect the scene and add my own audio voice over narration for […]
  6. kc90ds106

    Movie Supercut It “Breaking Glass”

    This class assignment was to create a short movie supercut about movies scenes which has a certain connection. It could be any connection such as a rain scene or slow motion scene or laughing. For my supercut I chose to use scenes where the actors/actresses smash through glass. Most movie scenes have these relating scenes. […]
  7. kc90ds106

    DS106 Rap/ Swimming Pools

    This was a short verse that I wrote for this ds106 audio assignment. I used the instrumental of Kendrick Lamar’s Swimming Pools song and it went quiet well. To put it together I used Adobe Audition to sample the tracks and to include my voice over. I thought it was interesting but sucked that I […]
  8. kc90ds106

    Movie Voice Machine – Arnold

    For this assignment we had to create a voicemail for a celebrity. This assignment is found in the Audio Assignments for the ds106 site. I chose to impersonate Arnold Schwarzenegger as my celeb and honestly it was difficult to not sound caribbean although his Austrian accent resembles it. It was quite interesting though I added a […]
  9. kc90ds106

    We’ve Found Your Match

      In this visual assignment it was our task to take a picture of someone close to us and put them next to their celebrity look alike. My brother just happens to look similar to Ty Diggs. He always hates this comparison so it will be quite the laugh when he sees this blog. I […]
  10. kc90ds106

    Troll Quotes

    For my troll quotes I first chose to use the famous picture from the movie 300. After that I followed up with a quote from “The Gladiator” when Russell Crowe said “What we do in life echoes an eternity”. Then to finish up the assignment I attributed the quote and image to Prince Dakkar or ...
  11. kc90ds106

    Emily’s Laughter.

        This was a miniature article making Emily have a twisted sense of humor. This assignment was pretty straight forward. You simply just needed a marker to blacken words from a newspaper article and create a new story with the words that are left unblackened.  
  12. kc90ds106

    Tired of His Surroundings

    Story line: Brad has had a change of heart. He has grown tired of his lifestyle. Day after day he becomes more and more annoyed with how things are. From days of coming home to disgusting tasting food or days when he would slip down the stairs because of the dog intentionally peeing on the ...
  13. kc90ds106

    Dodge This Animated Gif

      For this assignment we had to create an animated GIF. To get this done I followed directions on the process of creating one from my professor’s video instructions. First we had to download the clip from Youtube, whichever clip it was whether its a cartoon or movie. Then using Quicktime (I personally chose realtime ...
  14. kc90ds106

    Daily Create Week 3

    Yet another week of daily creates to complete. This week we also had to choose three assignments. For the first assignment I chose to take a picture showing wide open space. Personally I enjoyed this task because it related to something I’m fond of doing which is taking in scenic views. I took advantage of the ...
  15. kc90ds106

    Daily Create Assignment Summary

    This week we had to complete 3 daily create assignments. For the one’s that I chose, it required taking pictures and recording a video. After completing the assignments we had to post them up and include certain tags for whichever asssigment we did. I found the most interesting one was to make a video of someone genuinely ...
  16. kc90ds106

    No Digital Facelifts/ Week One Reflection

    Gardner Campbells video about open educational experiences was very enlightening. Personally I agree with his comments on how there must be more interaction between students and teachers on what is being taught. Learning should be more than just having students, “hand in papers to receive marks and just go home”. We should take part in being ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]