Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. khrystie

    Ed Parkour

    Parkour has been defined as “the sport of traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping rapidly and efficiently.” Educational Parkour, a concept by Bill Genereux, entails using all elements of education as a type of leverage to get us to where we would like to be.  In “Who is Ed Parkour?” he compares this ...
  2. khrystie

    Semiotics & Making Meaning.

    By definition, semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. But this short (and very simple) definition does not seem to do the word justice. Even explaining it as the “signifier/signified” does not suffice. Today in class we discussed how to recognize the meaning of something, by looking at more ...
  3. khrystie

    Web 2.0

    Web 2.0 is a concept that is often being used incorrectly by those who do not know all that the term entails. Many companies are using it as a part of their marketing plans, not knowing that their sites are not classified as Web 2.0. Tim O’Reilly identifies Web 2.0 as a still abstract concept ...
  4. khrystie

    Cyberinfrastructures and Facelifts

    Technology is always changing and with each advancement it is molding the world around us. I think it is never too late to learn technology or begin to utilize it for our own purposes. Yes, learning something new makes us vulnerable or nervous… but it is to what extent we can channel that vulnerability into ...
  5. khrystie

    My Writer’s Notebook

    I have never considered myself a writer. Of course, I wrote academically or completed the occasional creating writing, but never have I sat down and wrote as a way to express myself and flush out what I was feeling. But this semester, I have been keeping up with a Writer’s Notebook, which is a “collection of ...
  6. khrystie

    The Process

    This has been my first experience ever buying a domain name and space! Although WordPress has been very easy to use, I did have a hard time navigating and trying to figure out how I should point my domain space and name. Receiving and responding to the e-mails made me question whether I was following the right ...
  7. khrystie

    Learning to Learn

    In class last week, we had a really interesting conversation about teachers’ roles in the classroom. Should they be the expert and final authority on the subject or fall back and engage in the learning experience? After much reflection on the subject, I think it’s important that the teachers learn to acquire information alongside their ...
  8. khrystie

    A Beginning to Blogging!

    As a first time blogger, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I always had a general idea of what blogging was, but never knew how expansive and diverse all the topics would be! So of course, seeing others’ blogs got me excited to set up my own. Using this site has been easy, even ...

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