Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @klw_colorfulco

    Reflection 2

    These past few weeks have been great getting outside of my comfort zone and trying new things.  My favorite assignment was the audio so far because I love music.  Although it was a bit tricky learning to use another new tool like Audacity, I had fun completing the assignment.  The biggest challenge I have faced so far is … Continue reading Reflection 2
  2. @klw_colorfulco

    Digital Story Critique #3-Stories of Travel

    Today I reviewed a digital story about travels a teacher and her students experienced.  Her goal in creating the digital story was to bring to light some of the complex policy issues targeting development in the third world, and she wanted her students to connect with another culture very different from their own. This digital story … Continue reading Digital Story Critique #3-Stories of Travel
  3. @klw_colorfulco

    Reflection 1

    I feel that these past three weeks in my class about Digital Storytelling have been a refreshing change of pace from my normal day to day routine.  I feel that I have only begun to express my creative side, and hope to spend a little more time completing some of the more challenging daily creates.  So far … Continue reading Reflection 1
  4. @klw_colorfulco

    Weekly Response/ Reflection – Week 2, INTE 5340

    This semester my INTE 5340 class we are examining pieces of scholarship related to the digital storytelling theme.  I have chosen for the first response to write about a piece that I read on Digital Storytelling For Engaged Student Learning In Accounting.  In this piece, the authors Suwardy, Pan, and Seow examine the effective means of Digital Storytelling … Continue reading Weekly Response/ Reflection – Week 2, INTE 5340
  5. @klw_colorfulco

    Digital Story Critique 1

    This semester I will be critiquing a total of 11 digital stories, where I critically examine and review digital stories based upon my focal interest of eLearning within the workplace, specifically about facilitating the development of eLearning training resources in a fast-paced work environment. The first of these digital stories is from Alberta Worker’s Health Centre and … Continue reading Digital Story Critique 1
  6. @klw_colorfulco

    Daily Create #2: #tdc1698 Describe in writing for someone who cannot hear, the feeling of silence

    Today’s Daily create was a challege, to describe in words the beautiful silence of this photo to one that cannot hear. Peaceful.  In one word that is what I think of.  If I were to describe the photo in deatil, I would say, “The eye can see what the ear cannot hear.  For the air … Continue reading Daily Create #2: #tdc1698 Describe in writing for someone who cannot hear, the feeling of silence
  7. @klw_colorfulco

    Chapter 1 -The “New” in Literacies

    Creating meaningful content is an expected role of the classroom teacher, corporate learning environment, and many other professionals who must rely on their writing and communication skills to facilitate some type of learning experience, whether it be in the classroom, in a blog, or designing an eLearning course at the workplace.  Reading Chapter One called“Sampling ‘The New’...

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