Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Kaitlin Smart

    Un-scene Stories

    So I have been reading the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins like it’s my job lately.  I started the series in Florida, because I’d figured I’d need a good book for the 13 hour ride down.  Luckily, I have a Kindle, so I was able to immediately buy the second book when I was […]
  2. Kaitlin Smart

    Joke Auf Deutsch

    For the extra audio assignment, I decided to do “Make ‘Em Laugh” submitted by Darren Kuropatwa.  I’m a German major, so of course this assignment caught my attention.  I added some background music from, and found the laugh at the end (which made me crack up when I heard it) at German Joke
  3. Kaitlin Smart

    FINALLY a Mashup

    I FINALLY have my very late mashup ready.  This past week has been crazy, and I just could not think of anything that I wanted to do for the mashup assignment.  My mind was literally blank when I tried to think of an idea, but I finally had some inspiration hit me when I was […]
  4. Kaitlin Smart

    Dobby Doesn’t Die!

    I got the idea for my fan fiction project over our trip to Florida.  We took a trip into last Saturday night, and I realized AH HARRY POTTER JUST CAME OUT ON DVD.  Naturally, I bought it, and we watched it on our bus ride home.  When we got to the part where Dobby dies, […]
  5. Kaitlin Smart

    Letter to a Future Student

    Dear Future Student of DS106, Congratulations on making a great decision! This class is literally DA BOMB, and probably my favorite that I’ve taken at Mary Wash thus far. Get ready for a lot of time-consuming work. You’ll get an assignment, think, “oh SWEET, this will be awesome,” then spend the next two days on […]
  6. Kaitlin Smart

    First Update from Florida!

    I know I’ve been behind a bit on the videos lately.  I was only able to make one from TDC, but that week was pretty rough, and I really wasn’t up for doing any more work than was absolutely necessary. But if you’re wondering, it was also really awesome, I made a lot of friends, […]
  7. Kaitlin Smart

    Favorite Mashup

    So last night I was sitting at my computer working on some oceanography homework, when my roommate Lara decided it was time for a singalong.  And by singalong, I mean, she decided it was time for her to sing a whole scene from Moulin Rouge directly into my ear.  Thissss actually turned out to be […]
  8. Kaitlin Smart

    FINALLY My Videoessay

    I finally have it up and working thanks to Ivania! She recommended using Vimeo to upload my video and it worked! Inglourious Basterds from Kaitlin Smart on Vimeo.
  9. Kaitlin Smart

    Day One of TDC

    I don’t think I’ve blogged about it yet, buttttt I’m participating in Challenge Week! Wondering why I am not doing a videojournal about this? Mainly because it’s suppose to downpour tonight, and I decided I didn’t want to risk the life of my computer, so I am in the library. Anyway, I decided together with my friends Annie and Mina to […]
  10. Kaitlin Smart


    My Inglourious Basterds video was removed from YouTube because it is “too long”.  I will get back at this problem tomorrow.  It is too late tonight. :(:(
  11. Kaitlin Smart

    Inglourious Basterds VideoEssay

    After two nights of working on the videoessay, I have finally finished it!  Hooray!  JimGroom was right, this assignment did take a long time, and most of the time was spent sitting and waiting as the video had to be ripped, or changed into the right format, or uploaded to YouTube. All of that janx […]
  12. Kaitlin Smart

    Remixes and Mashups

    I’m not going to lie.  After reading the first article by Melanie McBride, I felt pretty dumb.  She just sounds so smart, and holy crap, I don’t understand half of what she’s trying to say.  I guess the gist of it, is that remixing and mashups are ways of teaching that aren’t always well-liked among […]
  13. Kaitlin Smart

    Inglourious Basterds on Twitter

    Finally finished my webstory today! I didn’t keep exact time of how long it took me, but it was probably around two hours (which is sad, because it’s not that detailed).  I had to play around a little bit in order to make sure that the photos were the right size, and in order to […]
  14. Kaitlin Smart

    Famous Angstas Final Radio Show!

    Here’s the final radio show that Catherine, Suzanne, and I finally finished last night! We’ve been working hard all week, and had a BLAST doing it, but were really glad when we were finally able to turn it in. We’re pretty proud of it, and hope that everyone who listens enjoys it! We wrote all […]

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