Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94982 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
What?? Summer is almost over? …and I had every intention of staying involved with ds106 Camp Magic MacGuffin. I was building things in Minecraft for a while, but then the ...
Chinese character: man/human Ancient (11 x 15) Expressionistic (15 x 22) I am having ds106 withdrawals. I don’t know what happened, but I suddenly feel ...
I will have my bachelor’s degree in psychology at the end of June, and there are not many directions I could go with that without going to grad school, and ...
My last all-nighter project in DS106!! I can’t believe it’s over. I will miss it. All of it. The community, the friends I’ve made, my team mates. …and Jim ...
Remember my post about killing 3 birds with one stone? Well, I finished editing our group project, which was to make a 10-minute video about a psychologist who has made ...
I must say, after struggling with the Premiere Pro for two days, I really like it. It’s all pretty intuitive, I think. I just have to keep playing with all ...
I have become fairly comfortable with using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and have been wanting to learn how to use Premiere Pro for video editing (I’ve only used Movie Maker ...
In honor of 100th TDC today, I designed the below image to make a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle at Perhaps because of the dimensions of ...
Remix Assignment 555: d&ds106 Monster Manual remixed Pollock Style I took the below image from this post and remixed it. The Result: To make this image, ...
HEY EVERYONE! in[SPIRE] is almost ready for launching! You’ll be able to start submitting the DS106 work that inspired you in just a few days (I hope!). Here’s an update ...
We were assigned to watch the “Everything is a Remix” video series by Kirby Ferguson. He brings to light some very interesting and important facts, ...
Another Video Assignment 445: (However, this one is a bit different, in that I replaced the video with other images to go with the audio to make it look similar ...
The skills I’ve learned in DS106 came in handy yet again in another class. This time, Applied Counseling. I’ve added the vintage feel for DS106 (Video Assignment 397) WARNING: Boring ...
Video Assignment 448: One archetype, five movies, five seconds. Each clip is 2 seconds long, because I thought 1 second was way too short. Rules? What ...
In this tutorial, I explain how I extracted the audio from the interview of Anthony Hopkins and put it together with appropriate video clips as a part of ...
I found this today. An excellent advice on sentence length. We could all use it. Gary Provost, quoted in Roy Peter Clark’s (terrific) Writing Tools: This sentence has five words. ...
Here’s what you call killing 3 birds with one stone: 1. Finish a part of an assignment for another class (History of Psych). 2. Use it as a DS106 video ...
The Brain: The Brain has human qualities: left brain/right brain – connected by corpus callosum that allows the two sides to interact. Left brain is the technical/digital side (thinking side) ...
After the initial brain-storming session for our final project, we agreed that a circuit board inside a brain would be a good image to represent DS106. Then I ...