Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94982 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
Image credit Our team’s main idea was to run a political debate between Bagman, Allygator, and Handgela (I could not track down this video), since one of ...
Our very own @annie_belle1 designed this logo! What better way to blog about audio week than using audio! Here are my thoughts on working with my team-mates ...
Here it is! I learned how to use autotune in Garage Band by watching this tutorial. It’s not perfect, and I may have overdone the effects, making the words ...
Ugh! Sound Week! This was my least favorite week thus far. I have very little experience with sound editing, and by little I mean none. Up until now, my assignments ...
For our TDC assignment yesterday, I submitted a photo that represented my past career with the FBI. It always takes me by surprise when I realize how long it has ...
In the midst of Design Week madness, I managed to post the following Daily Creates: Monday: Food being served or eaten in an unconventional way. I ...
Design Assignment 367: Time to let out your inner Big Brother! Create a propaganda poster for ds106. Use your photo editing software of choice and write a message to inspire ...
I came up with this idea while working on the propaganda poster design assignment. This didn’t quite fit in with any other assignments already there (please correct me if I’m ...
Design Assignment 358: The assignment is to reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons, four of ...
Design Assignment 364: Make a campaign poster for Bagman’s 2012 campaign! You can base it on a famous political poster (Obama’s Hope poster, for example), movie posters, whatever. Minimalist ...
Design Assignment 313: Pick a movie poster and animate it. You can see an awesome example and quick explanation by Michael Branson Smith here. The Product: ...
I was in the middle of this assignment when I came up with my idea of new design assignment, and I just submitted my idea. So where were we… Designment ...
Design Assignment 365: Pick your favorite quote OR make up your own phrase which describes a philosophy that you try to live by. It can be about love, friendship, family, ...
Designment Assignment 342: Really Reality TV – Follow this formula to create your own reality TV show for the ds106 Network. This assignment sounded like a lot of ...
For today’s Daily Create, the assignment was to take a photo of food being served or eaten in an unconventional way. I immediately thought of my 10-day trip to Korea ...
…and a shameless display of a mother’s pride in her son’s good looks!! This was Visual Assignment 66, which was to find a celebrity look-alike for someone you know, and ...
My daily creates will be compiled and posted weekly from here on out. (And the first three are repeats because I didn’t decide to do the weekly thing until ...
Visual Assignment 13: Averaging Concepts Using Flickr – Take a concept, one word, and plug it into Flickr and take the first 50 images and average them using Photoshop or ...
For my “Fat Cat” visual assignment, I got the images from here and here. I think most people know the various ways to select a portion of one image and ...
I did my best to explain my process and address all the little bumps I encountered while making this gif. To get to the starting point where I began this ...
Visual Assignment 347: Photo It Like Peanut Butter Rather than making animated GIFs from movie scenes, for this assignment, generate one a real world object/place by using your own series ...
Visual Assignment 334: Using this site: as a platform for ideas, and using Photoshop (or something like it) as your tool, place a fat cat into a photo of ...
This is my VERY FIRST video tutorial. It was scary, but I was inspired by others in DS106 who were brave enough to put themselves out there! This is a ...
Visual Assignment 340: Splash the Color – Color splash is a technique to emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single ...
TDC 31: Create a photograph that represents the happiest or most memorable moment in your life. Assignment: Create a photograph that represents the happiest or most memorable moment in your ...