Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. maddiekp

    The Minds Behind The MOOCs

    Reblogged from: Academia is buzzing about MOOCs. What sounds like genteel name-calling is actually a powerful new medium with potential to transform the education system. Indeed, MOOCs and mooks are simply unfortunate homophones but the former is certainly ruffling feathers because their aim is to make higher education more affordable (free, in fact). These […]
  2. maddiekp

    #edcMOOC Blogging Survey: Please join in!

    Hello again edcMOOC bloggers! Many of us in #edcmooc either blogged throughout the course, or used quad- blogging to connect with other edcMOOCers. Whether you were a new or experienced blogger, what role did blogging play in your overall edcMOOC experience? Did blogging or quadblogging in #edcmooc enhance your learning or help u build a PLN? Please […]
  3. maddiekp

    Why #edcmooc worked! – Reflecting

    Following on my previous post, here is my deeper analysis and reflection on why this course worked for me and my peers. To start with, below is the #edcmooc course details as mentioned on Coursera site: “This course will not be taught via a series of video lectures. Rather, a selection of rich resources will […]
  4. maddiekp

    When the student is ready, the teacher will appear #edcmooc

    I am reading a lot of negative comments about the course on the forum and in some posts. Participants are complaining about “absent teacher”, “no videos and quizzes” and no “formal assessment”. I am thinking MOOCs are not for everyone, especially not for those who think MOOCs can be compared with face to face learning. […]
  5. maddiekp

    #edcmooc final artefact

    This is my artefact for the final assessment in the E-learning and digital cultures mooc #edcmooc   Audio source: All images are from under CC license  
  6. maddiekp

    Week 2: A day made of glass #edcmooc

    In week two of e-Learning and Digital cultures mooc. In this week’s learning: This week, we move to more future-focused visions of technology and education, and explore how utopian and dystopian stories (or ‘discourses’) are shaping our understanding of what is happening now in the sphere of learning technology, and what might happen in the […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]