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  1. @Mariam Ahmed

    Final project/ Week 15

    This class has taught me so much. When I started this class I knew almost nothing about creating video and audio. I never had my own domain before. This class definitely took more of my time than I expected it too. However I learned many topics in a short time. There were many things like […]
  2. @Mariam Ahmed


    For the Mashup assignment I did logo switch up. This was worth 2 stars. I decided to do shoes logos. I took the Nike logo and mash it up with adidas logo. I found the logos on the internet. I then used Gimp to import the images. I used the crop tool to remove unnecessary […]
  3. @Mariam Ahmed


    by This first one was to create a video of the top 5 people, places. or things most important to you.  This was worth 3 stars. The process was almost the same for all three videos but it did take me less time to make the second and third videos. I used IMovie which was […]
  4. @Mariam Ahmed

    Calming Week

    This week had less assignments which really helped me. I had many things due for other classes for this week so having less work in this class was a advantage. Due to some problems in the week I was not able to listen to my classmates radio shows. I hope I can get another opportunity […]
  5. @Mariam Ahmed

    Everything Connects

    These are the three daily creates that I found a connection in. Monster Mike was a monster that I was scared when I was younger but over time really started liking him. This daily create connects to the second one where I drew a monster. As younger kid I found big eyes like Mike scary. […]
  6. @Mariam Ahmed


    Due to some problems early in the week I was not able to listen to my classmates radio shows. When I listened to our radio show I liked it. We definitely could’ve improved on some things like adding more content to the show. I think our biggest issue was bringing our narrative together for the […]
  7. @Mariam Ahmed

    Always Room for Improvement

    I went back to the this post where I had to plan my perfect day. I remember that week was busy and I definitely rushed on some of the assignments. For this assignment I added a few more sentences. I also fixed many grammar and punctuation mistakes that I noticed. I adjusted some of the […]
  8. @Mariam Ahmed

    Final Ideas

    So for the final project I don’t have many ideas but one could be talking about trends that were popular in the 80’s. Another idea could be expanding my thoughts and talking about more movies that were made in the eighties. The final project is a few weeks but I know it will come rather […]
  9. @Mariam Ahmed

    And Done…

    This week was busy busy. The whole week I worked on the radio show. I really liked my group we did a great job on communicating and everyone did their parts( Great job Team Riding the Radio waves). For my audio for the radio show I had to record numerous times because I kept missing […]
  10. @Mariam Ahmed

    Radio Weeks Done

    This week I devoted most of my time to the radio show. My group was so awesome and I think we all did a great job communicating. I used audacity to record my audio for the radio show. I also used some things that I created from last weeks audio assignments. I did have to […]
  11. @Mariam Ahmed

    Radio Weeks

    This week has been difficult because of midterms. I got a little behind with my audio assignments but thankfully was able to submit them. The audio assignments I did this week were related to our radio show for next week. I saw a few of my classmates posters and radio show and I look forward […]
  12. @Mariam Ahmed

    Mashing It Up

    For my last audio assignment I did Take Any Two Songs and Mashup/Remix! The assignment was to create a new mashup by combining any two songs you feel fitting for a mashup. Rated 4 Stars I used the Glory of love from Karate kid and The psychedelic from Pretty in Pink. I first went […]
  13. @Mariam Ahmed

    Making Progress

    We formed our radio show groups using our websites and umw emails. We exchanged phone numbers so we could communicate better. We choose our radio’s name and what we will be talking about. We all shared our ideas and opinions about certain things, which was good because we all agreed eventually. It was a hard […]
  14. @Mariam Ahmed


    This is my poster for our group radio. Our radio’s name is Riding the Radio Waves, so I decided to create my poster around the name. I found a picture of a big wave and inserted it to gimp. I then used the text tool to enter text. My gimp software was acting up and […]
  15. @Mariam Ahmed

    Another week done another to come

    When I read this week will be all about design I was nervous. I didn’t know much about design. Reading vignelli articles were quite helpful even the design resource page. My skills using Gimp have improved and learning about the different tools. This came in handy when I was doing the design assignments. I saw […]

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