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  1. @MatthewJLetts

    My Favourite Movie

    “I would like, ah, if I may, …to take you on a strange journey.” This strange journey is however about my favourite movie which is Rocky Horror Picture Show. Out of the vast majority of movies I watch daily, this movie for some peculiar reason stood out to me the most. I would assume it […]
  2. @MatthewJLetts


    The photo above is my favourite photography photo I’ve taken so far. I love the composition of the Lego figures aligned with the ground. My favourite part of this was the rain in the background colliding with the light projected on the wet ground to form a glare which draws the viewer’s attention to the […]
  3. @MatthewJLetts

    Definition Of Social Media

    If I was describe Social Media in one word, it would be colossal. I used the word colossal, as it sums up how gigantic the online universe is and the mass amount of people connecting together from around the world. It also advertises the messiness of social media, where it can range from a form […]

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