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  1. matthewpoole

    Week 6!!!

    This week was all about design! Week 6 started off by teaching us all the main concepts of design which include color typography metaphors/symbols minimalism & use of space form/function/message balance rhythm proportion dominance unity Our first assignment was to … Continue reading β†’
  2. matthewpoole


    The assignment we had to do was photo-blitzing which we had 20 minutes to complete as many of the photo tasks as possible. This assignment was tricky. I started at 4:32 pm and ended at 4:52 and got through 7 of the … Continue reading β†’
  3. matthewpoole


    Weekly Reflection: Week 4 was learning about audio story telling which we got to learn from experts who mastered the art of story telling. While watching some of the sound effect samples i though it was time to tackle this … Continue reading β†’
  4. matthewpoole

    Weekly Summary #2

    Week 2 was very interesting. I learned about creative commons and did more daily creates. I like this class alot it reallly makes me interact with all my media cites which is sweet. I also tried creating a GIF. I did three daily … Continue reading β†’

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