Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92893 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mdavis101

    Weekly Summary

    Video Assignments: This week I had to complete two video assignments totaling 8 stars in terms of the difficulty ratings. For both assignments I used YouTube to upload my videos and then embedded the specific link into my blog post(s). Compilation Video: My title for this assignment is “2015 Lacrosse Goals“. My blog post includes the embedded … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  2. mdavis101


    Links: Emma’s Reading Movies, Miranda Reflection on Reading Movies, Rachel Horrogami, Emma TDC board game, Tori look listen analyze Everyone did a great job as usual this past week! I enjoyed reading people’s reflections and seeing their awesome daily creates! I commented on five people’s blog posts this week.  
  3. mdavis101

    Daily Create Your cartoon self

    The image on the right is a cartoon version of the original image on the left! This was taken of me hiking this past summer! Here it is on my flickr. @ds106dc #tdc1393 #ds106 My cartoon image of me hiking! — Miles Davis (@miles_mdavis) November 1, 2015
  4. mdavis101

    Daily Create You Decide

    My superhero name is Lightning Man! My super power is the ability to control the weather! Here it is on my flickr. @ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1392 I am Lightning Man! My super power is the ability to control the weather — Miles Davis (@miles_mdavis) October 31, 2015
  5. mdavis101

    2015 Lacrosse Goals

    The Work Itself  This video assignment is titled “Compilation Video!”. The instructions are to “pick a theme and download multiple videos from Youtube that fit the theme. Cut them up and create a compilation video by putting the clips to music.” The difficulty of this video is 3. 5 stars out of 5. I used … Continue reading 2015 Lacrosse Goals
  6. mdavis101

    Weekly Summary 9

    Web Assignments: “Find a Digital Tool”: “Dropbox Digital Tool” This assignment asked to write a tutorial for a digital tool. There are hundreds of helpful digital tools and many I could have chose. I chose “Dropbox” because it is one of the most convenient digital tools available. “Dropbox is a cloud service that you can save … Continue reading Weekly Summary 9
  7. mdavis101

    Time Machine

    The Work Itself  This assignment is titled “Storytelling Within The Web“. It is a required assignment for this week. Its instructions are to “install the X-Ray Googles in any browser and use it to re-cast the content of any web page. When you blog it, include both a screen capture in your post, but you … Continue reading Time Machine
  8. mdavis101

    Daily Create Everybody dance!

    This video is from my sophomore year in high school. I attempted the “dougie” and put my own twist into the dance. I call it the “dougie criss-cross”. Here it is on my Twitter and here is the direct YouTube link.
  9. mdavis101

    Weekly Summary 7&8

    Audio Assignments: We were instructed to complete two audio assignments of our choice that equal a minimum of 5 stars in difficulty rating. I chose “Do You Hear What I Hear” and “Make Your Own Ringtone(s)“. “”Do You Hear What I Hear” is rated 3 stars and “Make Your Own Ringtone” has a difficulty rating of … Continue reading Weekly Summary 7&8
  10. mdavis101

    “Wake Up, Wake Up”

    The Work Itself  This assignment is titled “Make Your Own Ringtone(s)”. The instructions were to “use Audacity, trim, join end-to-end (cut/paste), and/or play side-by-side audio files in order to create your very own ringtone. Ringtones should be a maximum or 40 seconds to conserve phone memory (besides, most cell phones don’t ring longer than 30 … Continue reading “Wake Up, Wake Up”
  11. mdavis101

    My Ears Are Bleeding

    The Work Itself  I completed this assignment by using Garageband. I compiled and put together a collection of sounds I hear everyday. This audio assignment is rated 3 stars and is titled “Do You Hear What I Hear?”. The instructions are to “record glimpses of the different sounds you hear throughout the day, whether it … Continue reading My Ears Are Bleeding
  12. mdavis101

    Radio Show Commercial

    Here is my commercial for our radio show “9 Lives”. I grabbed a YouTube clip of halloween theme music and placed into my GarageBand song. I recorded my voice as a voice over as well. I saved my project to iTunes and then uploaded it to SoundCloud.
  13. mdavis101

    Radio Show Bumper

    Here is my short bumper for our radio show “9 Lives”. I used GarageBand to record my voice and inputted spooky halloween music from YouTube as a sound over. I then saved it to iTunes and uploaded it to SoundCloud

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