Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92893 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mdavis101

    Daily Create “One Word”

    We were asked to find a poem and then take one word from that poem and write another poem about that word. I chose “heart” from a poem written by Edgar Allen Poe.  Here it is on my flickr and twitter.
  2. mdavis101


    Comments I commented on five posts done by classmates this week. Once again, everybody did a great job and it was fun to see other people’ s work. Links: designassignment1700, Stephanie King designassignments961, Andrew Boswell designassignment1742, Jack Brooks daily creates, Jack Brooks holding back tears
  3. mdavis101

    Weekly Summary 6

    Daily Creates: This week I completed six daily creates. I did not realize I had done six until Sunday. Here are the links to each individual daily create for week 6. Within the blog posts I have links of that specific daily create to my twitter and flickr. All of these daily creates were photography … Continue reading Weekly Summary 6
  4. mdavis101

    Vignelli Canon

    The three primary elements of design in Vignelli’s opinion that are expressed in his book are semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic. Semantic is the meaning behind the design. Syntactics includes the overall structure, grid, typefaces, text, headlines, illustrations, etc. Pragmatics is the idea of a simple design that requires minimal explanation. The quote “creativity needs the support of knowledge … Continue reading Vignelli Canon
  5. mdavis101

    Design Safari

    This past week I took photos that represented “balance, unity, typography, and color”. This assignment “DesignBlitz” asked to take photos of objects, ads, signs, etc. that illustrate at least four of the ten concepts listed. Balance: This photo is of me practicing a yoga pose. Balance is essential in yoga and I learned that I need to practice … Continue reading Design Safari
  6. mdavis101

    Package Yourself Daily Create

    If I could package myself, I would come as Batman. He is my favorite “superhero” even though he does not have super powers. I like to pretend that I have the same qualities as Batman. Here is the link to my twitter and flickr.
  7. mdavis101

    Chocolate Sin

    The Work Itself  This assignment was a required design assignment. It is one of five design assignments for this week. Its difficulty is rated three stars. My project is a Microsoft Word document.             The Story Behind The Story  This past weekend while at home my mom baked chocolate chip … Continue reading Chocolate Sin
  8. mdavis101

    Customize A Pair Of Shoes Design Assignment

    The Work Itself This assignment asked to customize a pair of shoes of any type. I used Nike iD to customize “Roshe One” running shoes. This specific assignment has a difficulty level of three stars. I downloaded the app “Insta Picframes” to merge my original and customized shoes together in a frame and input a “before” and … Continue reading Customize A Pair Of Shoes Design Assignment
  9. mdavis101

    Make A Maze Design Assignment

    The Work Itself This design assignment is a two and half star difficulty. The assignment called to create a maze, hand-drawn, or computer generated. The specific tags for this assignment are DesignAssignments, and DesignAssignments1753. Telling the Story Behind the Story One of my favorite comic series is “Batman”. The “Riddler” is he Riddler is a narcissist who … Continue reading Make A Maze Design Assignment
  10. mdavis101

    What can you see through the window?

    Today’s daily create asked to create an image that shows us what is through our window. I took a photo with my iPhone through a window in the convergence center looking into the trees. With all this rain, the foliage is very green and pretty. Here is today’s daily create on my twitter and flickr.
  11. mdavis101

    Daylight Saving Time

    This is a sunset on the Chesapeake Bay. Daylight Savings Time started on March 8th and ends November 1st. It is the practice of advancing clocks during summer by one hour so that in the evening hours day light is experienced later, while sacrificing normal sunrise times. Typically, users in regions with summer time adjust clocks … Continue reading Daylight Saving Time
  12. mdavis101

    Weekly Summary

    Radio Show Group: I am in a group with Kelsey, Andrew, Adam, and Sean. Our team name is “Grumpy Desperados”. Participation/Comments: It was fun to see other people’s assignments. I learned how to use new and different resources from commenting on posts. It is also valuable to look at how people did certain assignments so as … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  13. mdavis101

    Daily Create 1358 9/27/15

    My new road sign. I’m glad there are not real signs like this because it would create more accidents than without it. This is an example from The Design Museum. Here is the flickr and twitter link to this daily create. 
  14. mdavis101

    Daily Create 1356 9/25/15

    Today’ daily create was to create a short story in pirate dialect. This was a funny assignment. Pirate lingo is very humorous and raunchy. It is amazing that some of the words are used in the english language to this day. Here is the link to my soundcloud and twitter

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