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  1. @mdseim

    Learning Reflection Week 14

    This week I just worked on my video. As I’ve had more pressing projects, I haven’t really dove in deep to making this video. However, I have a solid concept for it. I think it will turn out well.
  2. @mdseim

    Lab 6 Internet Servers

    Objectives: Create a internet server Equipment List: Computer Internet Connection Apache Software Notes and Observations: I found this particular lab to be more fun than the others. This kind of thing is more in my line of work. Getting everything together and working wasn’t all that hard. The fun part was actually creating the website. I … Continue reading Lab 6 Internet Servers
  3. @mdseim

    Lab 5 Report

    Obejectives: Simulate a network Equipment List: At least four people Yarn Paper Envelopes Tape A working brain Notes and Observations: Switches and routers read different languages. What I mean is that if I sent a package meant for a switch to a router, the router would not be able to read it, and vice versa. … Continue reading Lab 5 Report
  4. @mdseim

    Lab Report 2

    Objectives: Learn about cable and get some experience working with it Equipment List:  UTP Cable 2 RJ-45 connector Cable tester Wire stripper Patch pannel Notes and Observations: I found this lab a bit harder, since I’ve never been good at manipulating small things. As I have said before, I am clumsy when it comes to … Continue reading Lab Report 2
  5. @mdseim

    Lab 1- Setting Up a Homepage and Making a Motor

    Objectives: Get all media set up for the class and learn how a motor works! Equipment List:  Computer with internet connection Copper wire Styrofoam cup Two paper clips Wire cutter Scissors or something to strip wire with Magnet Dry erase marker or a cylinder with similar diameter Notes and Observations: The hardest part of getting … Continue reading Lab 1- Setting Up a Homepage and Making a Motor
  6. @mdseim

    Mini Documentary

    The Mini documentary assignment had me make… a mini documentary. I wanted to be creative with this. I didn’t want a run-of-the-mill documentary. Thus, I decided to do one over a baby. The baby can’t talk, so it was mostly a voice over with footage that illustrated what the voice-over was talking about. The main … Continue reading Mini Documentary
  7. @mdseim

    Week 10

    Ah yes, my favorite genre of digital media, video. Assignments: Why So Serious? Song Visualization Winnebago Man Analysis
  8. @mdseim

    Why So Serious?

    The Why So Serious assignment asked me to take a serious part of a movie, and overlay it with comedy audio. So I did just that, mixing the Bobadook and Seinfeld. For those who don’t know, The Bobadook is an Australian horror movie that got a lot of critical acclaim along with some attention in … Continue reading Why So Serious?
  9. @mdseim

    Week 8 Summary

    Week 8 was a fun week. The class stitched together the radio show for ds106 Tuesday afternoon. We all had separate parts to edit that we mashed together to make the final product. Reagan and I did most of the stitching together as the class supervised. I think the radio show turned out to be … Continue reading Week 8 Summary
  10. @mdseim

    Combining Lynard Skynard and Shinedown’s versions of “Simple Man”

    The Combining Covers assignment has me combine a cover of a song with its original. I chose “Simple Man” by Lynard Skynard and Shinedown’s cover of it. I ended up spending more time that I wanted on it, but I extended my work time because I enjoyed doing this assignment. Going into this assignment, I … Continue reading Combining Lynard Skynard and Shinedown’s versions of “Simple Man”

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