Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @mdseim

    Guess This Song

    For the Favorite Song Assignment, I’m suppose to choose my favorite song, remove the vocals, and see if people can guess the song by listening to only 30 seconds of the song. Choosing which song is my favorite is nearly impossible for me, so I chose a song that I have been very fond of … Continue reading Guess This Song
  2. @mdseim

    Week 6 Summary

    Ah yes, such a frantic week. This week I learned that general design is one of my strong points. I’m able to work up a design fairly quickly, and I think I do a good job in making things pleasing to the eye. This weeks assignments: “Create an App Icon” “Missing Person” “Create a T-shirt” … Continue reading Week 6 Summary
  3. @mdseim

    “Create a T-Shirt” Assignment

    by This assignment asked me to create a T-shirt. Since I have recently finished “Stranger Things”, I decided to design a shirt that has one of my favorite scenes of the series on it. I created a silhouette of each character of the scene and turned it gray. Using Adobe Illustrator, I image traced the … Continue reading “Create a T-Shirt” Assignment
  4. @mdseim

    Radio Show Ideas

    I have a great idea for an internet radio show that my classmates and I could do. The show would essentially just be about pop culture. It would be about things that us nerdy digital media students could talk about for days. This could include things like Star Wars, Doctor Who, music taste, or even … Continue reading Radio Show Ideas
  5. @mdseim

    What Andy Mckee’s “Drifting” Means to Me

    Assignment link: This assignment asked me to record myself explaining what a song means to me. The part of this assignment that made me thing the most was deciding which song to talk about. I’m a music fanatic, so there’s a whole library of songs that are meaningful to me. Thus, I decided to go … Continue reading What Andy Mckee’s “Drifting” Means to Me
  6. @mdseim

    My Own Theme Song

    Assignment link: I couldn’t help myself when I saw an assignment that involved writing your own theme song. I chose to write my own theme from scratch. I used FL Studio to recreate something I had already written on my bass. The long winded way to do this assignment would be to record my own … Continue reading My Own Theme Song
  7. @mdseim

    Week 3 Summary

    I’m a bit late to the party, but that’s okay, I’m always fashionably late if I’m late. First off, I don’t think it’s necessary to rewrite the bit I wrote about the ds106 assignments did this week, so I will provide a link to that blog post. Link: The assignments were the bulk of … Continue reading Week 3 Summary
  8. @mdseim

    Ds106 Assignments

    A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing The first assignment I did was the “A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing” assignment. My task was to take a logo of a company and redesign it representing the company’s rival. Thus, I chose to do the Jayhawk representing K-State. I chose the Jayhawk because I’m evil and like to create … Continue reading Ds106 Assignments
  9. @mdseim

    Cool Soundboards

    Jack Black Soundboard The different categories of sounds made this one stand out to me, as opposed to the random assortment of some soundboards. SGT Hartman Soundboard This soundboard added different colors and more organization to build on the theme of categories. Death (Family Guy) Soundboard The typography is atrocious, but this … Continue reading Cool Soundboards
  10. @mdseim

    Digital Media Blogs

    Sh*tting Sparkles Monica Daniels Monica Daniels’ colorfully named blog features her, a professional video editor, dumping her thoughts about several different things, along with some Q&A. She mostly sticks to things related to the world of editing, which is what attracted me to her blog. Digitalfilms Oliver Peters Here we have a blog … Continue reading Digital Media Blogs
  11. @mdseim

    The Stick!

    “Stick is the hottest new toy on the market. Kids love Stick. They can’t get enough of Stick. Stick sells millions of units every month.It’s sweeping the nation! At least it will when you and your marketing machine convince them it is. Forget that it’s really just a common stick that you would find at … Continue reading The Stick!
  12. @mdseim

    Metal Skyrim Logo Design

    In my Fundamentals of Visual Literacy class, we made designs that are being sent out to be cut into a metal design. I decided to go with the Skyrim logo. It’s simple, easy to do, and recognizable. The process is quite simple, I just created the design with the pen tool and colored it black.
  13. @mdseim


    Cubism is a type of art that found its beginning in the early 20th century after some innovations by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. It consisted of small tiles or shapes put together to make a bigger picture There are two types: Analytic and Synthetic Cubism.  Analytic Mostly geometric shapes and limited to a number … Continue reading Cubism
  14. @mdseim

    Picasso pls

    Our task was to mimic one of Picasso’s drawings, but the catch was that we had to do it upside down. This was so we thought of the lines as just lines, not shapes or objects. We were playing a clever trick on our mind. What you see above was the outcome. It was all … Continue reading Picasso pls

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