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  1. mdvfunes

    Cory Doctorow, taken with a GIFAchrome 106 camera “First, it’s…


    Cory Doctorow, taken with a GIFAchrome 106 camera

    “First, it’s okay to copy! Believe in the process of copying as much as you can; with all your heart is a good place to start – get into it as straight and honestly as possible. Copying is as good as any other way of getting ’there.’ ”

    NOTES ON THE AESTHETICS OF ‘copying-an-Image Processor’

    Phil Morton (1973)

  2. mdvfunes

    My first remix! So much I do not know about editing video. I…


    My first remix! So much I do not know about editing video. I wanted freeze frames, I could not get freeze frames. I wanted to slow down a clip, could not do it…so frustrating. Anyway, the theme comes from a forthcoming book by Cory Doctorow - Information does not want to be free.
    I did manage to do a picture in picture thing, I did manage to edit photos in photoshop, and I did manage to create the short film to say that how we engage with information and who owns it goes beyond cliches and negated memes. Remixing the photos from Phonar’s challenge and then adding them to a video remix. I have not followed the form filling for submission - because I am not interested in that element of the challenge.

    I just wanted to make a start learning about remixing. Is it a creative act? Where is the creative act? Is it in my choice of filters in Photoshop? Is it in my ordering of video clips? The special effects chosen? The idea that everything is a remix and to some extent has always been, strikes a chord and challenges the view that creativity is originality. The underlying assumptions in what we are reading/viewing this week seems to be that creativity lies in the process of bridging the use of a known set of elements to a new narrative or purpose. Much to learn and reflect on.

  3. mdvfunes

    My first editing job with iMovie is complete! No themes, no…


    My first editing job with iMovie is complete! No themes, no trailers, just a few scenes, me and iMovie. I went to the Apple how to pages watched a few videos there, and then just got on with it. I am at a loss to know if it sucks or not as I have no sense of the criteria that may make a good editor. I watched films, I know what I like but hell they say that Sergei Eisenstein made great films and I hated my university boyfriend for taking me to see his films - I failed to appreciate his genius.  Then there is my failure to appreciate Citizen Kane, so may be I will never make a good film critic or editor. Still, I enjoyed my fledging attempts at film editing. I will just keep making stuff and one day I may develop a set of criteria to self-assess my work. Meantime, I will just keep watching films and now at least I am starting to understand the secret language of reading movies.

  4. mdvfunes

    Been playing with Shadow Puppet as more than just short…


    Been playing with Shadow Puppet as more than just short commentary on photos. I re-did my design safari photos as a Shadow Puppet story. I had some issues uploaded the larger file but Carl now has released a new version of the software that allowed me to create, upload and embed the story easily. 

    It is a really elegant and useful solution to putting audio and photos together - can be used to create educational presentations very easily now that the 4 minute upload limit is no longer a problem. 

  5. mdvfunes

    It took a long time searching for the source. This was earliest…


    It took a long time searching for the source.

    This was earliest source I could find in Google Image Search, which is a great way to track the life of an image. I go to the oldest reference and search from there for copyright information. I did not succeed with this image. My search took me here to tumblr 11 months ago.  I love the picture and would like to use it but source it properly. Did you create this?

    Let me know how you want attribution if used for educational purposes?

    Check google image search here.

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