Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92693 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mhawksey

    #ocTEL– proudly powered by …

    There have been a couple of very interesting WordPress/FeedWordPress recipe cards for open courses from Anne-Marie Scott for #edcmooc and Martin Weller for #h817open. Below is the ingredient list for #octel. Added to the pot is some homegrown veg which gives us some very personal customisation. A lot of this is to tweak the functionality ...
  2. mhawksey

    What I’ve starred this month: March 28, 2013

    Here’s some posts which have caught my attention this month: Sheila’s work blog » Badges? Certificates? What counts as succeeding in MOOCs? – March 25, 2013 Groups, Clay Shirky and Online Education | online learning insights – March 24, 2013 Learning Technologies: International Perspectives on Technology in Higher Education – March 22, 2013 Visualising Data ...
  3. mhawksey

    #LAK13: Recipes in capturing and analyzing data – Google Groups Dashboard using Yahoo Pipes (no code)

    As part of LAK13 I’ve highlighted a couple of ways to extract data from Canvas. Prompted by a question by On and my colleague Sheila MacNeill I wanted to show you a way of getting feed data into a spreadsheet without using any code. The solution is to use Yahoo Pipes, but as this post will highlight this isn’t entirely straight forward and you need to be aware of several tricks to get the job done.
  4. mhawksey

    What I’ve starred this month: February 28, 2013

    Here's some posts which have caught my attention this month: The Most Thorough Summary (to date) of MOOC Completion Rates |e-Literate – February 27, 2013 How To Download Your Google Reader Feeds As An EPUB Or MOBI File – February 24, 2013 Eric Schmidt confirms Google+ content is given search priority | The Drum – ...
  5. mhawksey

    #LAK13: Recipes in capturing and analyzing data – Twitter

    I’m enrolled on the Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK13) which is an open online course introducing data and analytics in learning. As part of my personal assignment I thought it would be useful to share some of the data collection and analysis techniques I use for similar courses and take the opportunity to extend some of these. ...
  6. mhawksey

    Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet TAGS v5

    For a couple of years I've been sharing a Google Sheet template for archiving searches from Twitter. In September 2012 Twitter announced the release of a new version of their API (the spreadsheet uses this to request data from Twitter). Around the same time Twitter also announced that the old version of their API would be switched off in March 2013. So here is a new version...

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