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  1. Maura Monahan

    Bag of Gold?


                Human beings seek out order in a world of chaos.  Modern civilization is an accumulation of all the ways in which the human race has attempted to order and structure society.  We have a system for everything: education, financial transactions, transportation, etc.  There are so many aspects of our lives that are regulated and ordered.  Why?  Because organization, repetition, and predictability create a sense of security while alleviating a bit of the chaos that ultimately is life.  This “Bag of Gold” that Gardner Campbell speaks of – it’s not part of the current plan.
                I believe it is the fear of the unknown that makes individuals reluctant to accept the Bag.  How do we know that this is the right move for society to make next?  Where are the guarantees?  Where is the evidence that this is all going to work out well?  How do we put our lives online without giving up our privacy?  How do we create personal cyber infrastructures that truly reflect our personalities without becoming jaded or fake or cyber-robots?  These are the questions that make me question how much I want to buy into the idea of creating a personal cyber infrastructure of my own.
                Setting up my own website this semester has made me realize how much I rely on third parties when it comes to how I employ the internet.  It scares me to think of just how much information I have knowingly (and unknowingly) given to sites like Facebook and Blogger.  So I must admit, one of the best advantages of creating a personal cyber infrastructure is that I am in control.  What goes up online and what doesn’t is up to me.
                It’s a double-edged sword though.  Why would I post or publish things that don’t reflect myself in a positive light?  And if I only show the best part of myself online, are you really seeing who I am?  I don’t think so, I don’t think so at all.  That is the problem I have with personal cyber infrastructures.  While they may feed creativity and stimulate productivity, I also feel that they may feed our egos as well. 
                I am intrigued by this whole personal cyber infrastructure idea; I’m just not ready to dive headfirst into anything just yet.  Maybe that is what we all need to do though, proceed with caution.  Fear of the unknown is not a bad thing, we just can’t let it prevent us from advancing and growing, as individuals and as a whole society. 
                These are just a few of the thoughts I have on this topic.  I am excited to read what my classmates have to say about Gardner Campbell’s lecture and essay.  I also predict future posts about how I feel about my own cyber infrastructure.
  2. Maura Monahan

    Bag of Gold?


                Human beings seek out order in a world of chaos.  Modern civilization is an accumulation of all the ways in which the human race has attempted to order and structure society.  We have a system for everything: education, financial transactions, transportation, etc.  There are so many aspects of our lives that are regulated and ordered.  Why?  Because organization, repetition, and predictability create a sense of security while alleviating a bit of the chaos that ultimately is life.  This “Bag of Gold” that Gardner Campbell speaks of – it’s not part of the current plan.
                I believe it is the fear of the unknown that makes individuals reluctant to accept the Bag.  How do we know that this is the right move for society to make next?  Where are the guarantees?  Where is the evidence that this is all going to work out well?  How do we put our lives online without giving up our privacy?  How do we create personal cyber infrastructures that truly reflect our personalities without becoming jaded or fake or cyber-robots?  These are the questions that make me question how much I want to buy into the idea of creating a personal cyber infrastructure of my own.
                Setting up my own website this semester has made me realize how much I rely on third parties when it comes to how I employ the internet.  It scares me to think of just how much information I have knowingly (and unknowingly) given to sites like Facebook and Blogger.  So I must admit, one of the best advantages of creating a personal cyber infrastructure is that I am in control.  What goes up online and what doesn’t is up to me.
                It’s a double-edged sword though.  Why would I post or publish things that don’t reflect myself in a positive light?  And if I only show the best part of myself online, are you really seeing who I am?  I don’t think so, I don’t think so at all.  That is the problem I have with personal cyber infrastructures.  While they may feed creativity and stimulate productivity, I also feel that they may feed our egos as well. 
                I am intrigued by this whole personal cyber infrastructure idea; I’m just not ready to dive headfirst into anything just yet.  Maybe that is what we all need to do though, proceed with caution.  Fear of the unknown is not a bad thing, we just can’t let it prevent us from advancing and growing, as individuals and as a whole society. 
                These are just a few of the thoughts I have on this topic.  I am excited to read what my classmates have to say about Gardner Campbell’s lecture and essay.  I also predict future posts about how I feel about my own cyber infrastructure.
  3. Maura Monahan

    >Bag of Gold?

    >             Humanbeings seek out order in a world of chaos.  Modern civilization is an accumulation of all the ways inwhich the human race has attempted to order and structure society.  We have a system for everything:education, financial transactions, transportation, … Continue reading
  4. Maura Monahan

    Resolutions: Part Deux

    Well I am back to share with you goal number two of three that I have for 2012.  Drum roll please!  Just kidding, it is not that exciting.  Goal 2: Stop buying clothes just because they are a good deal and start buying clothes that I rea...
  5. Maura Monahan

    Resolutions: Part Deux

    Well I am back to share with you goal number two of three that I have for 2012.  Drum roll please!  Just kidding, it is not that exciting.  Goal 2: Stop buying clothes just because they are a good deal and start buying clothes that I rea...
  6. Maura Monahan

    New Year, New You!

    Try saying that title five times fast!  And now, make it your mantra for 2012 - it's a somewhat sincere but mostly sarcastic kind of way.  It's not that I don't like making resolutions for the new year, it's just that I actually kin...
  7. Maura Monahan

    New Year, New You!

    Try saying that title five times fast!  And now, make it your mantra for 2012 - it's a somewhat sincere but mostly sarcastic kind of way.  It's not that I don't like making resolutions for the new year, it's just that I actually kin...
  8. Maura Monahan

    New Year, New You!

    Try saying that title five times fast!  And now, make it your mantra for 2012 – it’s mine…in a somewhat sincere but mostly sarcastic kind of way.  It’s not that I don’t like making resolutions for the new year, it’s … Continue reading
  9. Maura Monahan

    A Year (Sort of…) of Blogging

    I have to say "sort of" because there were long stretches of time when I kind of forgot about this blog.  That probably worked out well for you though, I can imagine I get to be a bit boring at times.  Hard to imagine you might not want to re...
  10. Maura Monahan

    A Year (Sort of…) of Blogging

    I have to say "sort of" because there were long stretches of time when I kind of forgot about this blog.  That probably worked out well for you though, I can imagine I get to be a bit boring at times.  Hard to imagine you might not want to re...
  11. Maura Monahan

    Thanksgiving, Better Late than Never!

    Maybe you're sick of logging onto Facebook and being bombarded with people's statuses about what they are thankful for - but I'm not, so get ready.  I read something online the other day that really made me stop and think for a moment: What if ...
  12. Maura Monahan

    Thanksgiving, Better Late than Never!

    Maybe you're sick of logging onto Facebook and being bombarded with people's statuses about what they are thankful for - but I'm not, so get ready.  I read something online the other day that really made me stop and think for a moment: What if ...
  13. Maura Monahan

    Do You Feel that Draft?

    I've got eight, count 'em, EIGHT posts sitting as drafts in my good old blogger account.  Bad news: they might stay there for a while.  Good news: this new one is going all the way to "Publish"!  There are lots of things I'd love to blog...
  14. Maura Monahan

    Do You Feel that Draft?

    I've got eight, count 'em, EIGHT posts sitting as drafts in my good old blogger account.  Bad news: they might stay there for a while.  Good news: this new one is going all the way to "Publish"!  There are lots of things I'd love to blog...
  15. Maura Monahan

    Triple Threat

    I happen to believe that there is a direct correlation between quantity of butter shown and quality of a post written.  Butter is better - can I get an "Amen, Paula Deen!"?  There's a lot of butter in this post - it might just knock your sock...
  16. Maura Monahan

    Triple Threat

    I happen to believe that there is a direct correlation between quantity of butter shown and quality of a post written.  Butter is better - can I get an "Amen, Paula Deen!"?  There's a lot of butter in this post - it might just knock your sock...
  17. Maura Monahan

    Triple Threat

    I happen to believe that there is a direct correlation between quantity of butter shown and quality of a post written.  Butter is better – can I get an “Amen, Paula Deen!”?  There’s a lot of butter in this post … Continue reading
  18. Maura Monahan

    Let Me Break It Down for You

    Don't you just love midterms?  They really bring out the best in everyone.  Midterms allow us to see how people deal with stress.  You've got those quiet, withdrawn individuals who spend more time in the library than anywhere else. ...
  19. Maura Monahan

    Let Me Break It Down for You

    Don't you just love midterms?  They really bring out the best in everyone.  Midterms allow us to see how people deal with stress.  You've got those quiet, withdrawn individuals who spend more time in the library than anywhere else. ...
  20. Maura Monahan

    Minor Details

    On Sunday I bid a sad farewell to my math minor.  After going back and forth for days about what to do about my courses this semester I finally came to a set decision.  My math course just had to go.  Dropping it meant I would not be abl...
  21. Maura Monahan

    Minor Details

    On Sunday I bid a sad farewell to my math minor.  After going back and forth for days about what to do about my courses this semester I finally came to a set decision.  My math course just had to go.  Dropping it meant I would not be abl...

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