Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Ms. Parker

    The Second Sense of Hearing

    When I saw we were working with audio this week, I wasn’t very excited.  I haven’t worked with audio before, so I was dreading it. Doing something new is scary! But on Tuesday I decided to stop pouting about it and just jump in. Though it probably would have been smarter to start from the ...
  2. Ms. Parker

    A little less routine

    This week I only managed to get three Daily Creates done. Wednesday The task: Retitle a movie poster to make it more accurate. WAIT! This was my suggestion! I was so excited to see it up there, and then when people started posting their movie posters, I got even more excited! I’m so glad people ...
  3. Ms. Parker

    A Stirring Story on DS106 Radio

    Super frustrated this week! Every time I had time to listen to the DS106 radio, there was either weird music or a story. The stories were interesting, but I always seemed to miss the first half. I eventually made it to two stories this week. Listening to DS106 Radio I was going to use another ...
  4. Ms. Parker

    A Look at Being an Audio Storyteller

    For one of the first assignments this week, I had to watch a few videos on audio storytelling and write some “nuggets” about them. I watched these earlier in the week, but forgot to post about them, so I rewatched them and am posting them today! Ira Glass First thought: wow his voice is wonderful ...
  5. Ms. Parker

    A Slow Life’s Sound

    Let me be honest here: I was dreading this sound effects story assignment after that bumper. I was thinking it would take me hours of drawing out the sounds, finding the right layering, getting the right effects. UGH. Finally I decided I just need to start thinking about what I want to do. I listened to ...
  6. Ms. Parker

    Movies for your Ears

    I wanted to hear a variety of stories, so I took on The Truth from this week’s assignment list. I listened to them once during the week, but I also went back today, before writing this, to pay more attention to the noises and sound effects. (Each heading is the link to the story) Third Party So, ...
  7. Ms. Parker

    Sailing into Ds106 Radio

    I learned a lot this week by working on audio stories. Mainly how perfectionism and indecisiveness do not work well together, but I learned some other things, too. For this week’s assignment, I created a bumper for DS106radio. As per this wikipedia article, a bumper is a brief announcement, usually two to [fifteen] seconds that can ...
  8. Ms. Parker

    Week 3: Brain Squeeze

    Let me be honest. This week was rough. I had way too much due for my other classes between Tuesday and Thursday on top of the five or six meetings I went to. After last semester, writing my 30-40 page history thesis on top of all my other papers and work seemed impossible. But I ...

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