Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. melodie

    Audio Week 2 Daily Creates

    tdc51 – animal – What? I would be a white tiger…. tdc 52 – Leap Day- Last Wednesday was nearing to and end when my good friend Laura said, Happy Leap Day! I totally forgot about the tdc until her exclamation.  Good thing my buddies were willing to play a little leap frog for some ...
  2. melodie

    Buh-Buh-Bumper Time

    Hello all! And welcome to melodie-photography!  Oh no, I’m still thinking like I’m on the radio or something… SO, Study Abroad Kids on ds106 radio has been in progress for about a week now.  It started out slow because Lindsay, Maura, and I don’t see each other in class due to two of us being ...
  3. melodie

    Audio Week 1 Daily Creates

    I have to admit, I was pretty scared come Monday so I wasn’t sure if we would have a full week of daily creates… TDC 43- I love going to Crackstone, I mean Blackstone.  There’s awesome coffee and food. When I went on Monday I walked in to a group of older women sitin gin ...
  4. melodie

    Assignment: Movie as Radio

    This assignment is awesoommmme! It took forever, but it’s super fun.  If you choose this assignment make sure it’s with a movie you really love because you will be listening to it a LOT.  I used the Ever After soundtrack for my movie radio show.  I love the music and premiss of the movie, so ...
  5. melodie

    Design Week Daily Creates

    The Daily Creates, starting with the most recent. tdc 42 – job(barista) -  I went from working at Starbucks to an awesome bakery downtown.  I love making drinks and experimenting with different roasts of coffee and ways to prepare it.  My favorite is any dark Italian roast with a Moka Maker. tdc 41 – prized ...
  6. melodie

    Assignment: Wait, where’d that guy come from?

    Who’s that guy jogging behind the Sex and the City cast? Oh, it’s just Obama trying to get their autograph… So, for this assignment I Photoshopped Obama running into a pic with the four main actresses on Sex and the City.  I got the images from google and copied and pasted and then used the ...
  7. melodie

    Assignment: Minimalist TV Poster

    This assignment really makes you think about the core of the movie.  I love minimalist stuff because it usually ends up pretty artistic.  I picked Zoolander because I wanted to see what the reaction would be from an artsy twist on a comical film. I used photoshop and google images for the face and tie.  ...
  8. melodie

    Assignment: Postcards From Magical Places

    Here is my postcard from Narnia. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was one of my favorite childhood books so I figured this would ignite some nostalgic passion from the wonder years. I used photoshop for this assignment and added pics I found off google.  Then I just added the pics and text layers.  ...
  9. melodie

    Assignment: If Movie Posters Told The Truth

    I just saw The Vow with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams because of it’s supreme chick-flick attraction with great actors and an intriguing story line.  I don’t know why I had such high expectations…great movies just aren’t made any more.  I liked the plot, but the characters were underdeveloped and the writing was too cliche.  ...
  10. melodie

    Assignment: Expression of Myself

    Expression of myself  assignment is not as easy as you think because you gotta dig down deep. First of all, there’s one picture on top of the the background. This represents just how far I have grown in my college years.  I am on a track I never thought I would be on and have ...
  11. melodie

    Assignment: The Big Hip Hop

    This assignment is fun just because you have to match lyrics to a picture from this international event/news site. I found so many pictures with people doing strange things that I really wanted to add a comic twist on, but I also wanted the lyrics to be recognizable so instead of pulling out a line ...
  12. melodie

    Visual Week Daily Creates

    The daily creates were awesome this week because they had to be done with A CAMERA! (my favorite tool evaah)  Even though they got a bit personal, I enjoyed challenging myself to post the best daily create ever. upside-down, lost,  most memorable moment aspire confusion-if you zoom in on this guys face it’s sooo confused ...
  13. melodie

    Assignment: Wiggle Stereoscopy

    The cutest puppy in the world. For this assignment the goal is to take two different pictures and end up with a wiggle effect and a 3-D portrayal so here is a very cute puppy gif where it looks like he is barking.
  14. melodie

    Assignment: Photo It like Peanut Butter

    This assignment is so fun! Here is a lil goat trying to get through the fence/dance.  Goats have the weirdest eyes. I used photoshop for this animation and took a lot of pics of this goat with a tripod for the least movement possible.  There was one point at which a chicken jumped up and ...
  15. melodie

    Assignment: Unlikely Intersections

    Oh, the payne of college. I chose these two converging streets because the the intersection would seem harmless, however it foreshadows the college career of many.  When choosing a major or minor or career path even the difficulties may seem like they are just bumps in the road, but sometimes they influence an entire path ...
  16. melodie

    Most Memorable Moment of My LIFE

    When I went to St Peter's Basilica last semester I found out what it meant to truly be in awe. This represents the best moments of my life-when I studied abroad in Milan! I had an amazing experience and every moment was bliss.
  17. melodie

    Tutorial 1 – Mission: Defamiliarize

    To begin this assignment first think of a “town, building, object, etc.” that IS familiar to you and that you somewhat enjoy-and isn’t too far away…because you need to take some pictures of it. Next step: go to that place or object with a camera. Look around and just chill for a little bit.  Pretend ...
  18. melodie

    Color Splashing

    I love this assignment.  I already take pictures all the time so this was just an excuse to have fun editing some images. I did all my editing in Photoshop with the mask tool and inverse selector with the b&w adjustment.  The little girl is my sister and she has a knack for strange portraiture.  ...
  19. melodie

    Anti-hackage plugin?

    After the wonderful hackage of Emre I had to delete all my plugins previously installed and do it all over.  I have akismet, suscribe to comments, and jetpack(although I haven’t enabled it fully yet) and I also installed one called NextGEN Gallery. It’s pretty sweet since my subdomain gallery-themed site was deleted.  I now have ...
  20. melodie

    Presently in the Future

    From what I have read, it all makes sense..the digital world has exponentially advanced and along with it are people taking the internet into their own hands and pouring out what they have to say and dare to create. Faster and better tools have developed and more and more people can tell their stories within ...
  21. melodie

    Space of the Cyber

      no real reason for this vid…just thought it went along with the post… Cyberspace has connected so many throughout the world. With advances in technology and the mass production of its tools this will only become easier. During Gardner Campbell’s talk I realized just how new this is.  From day one it seemed as ...
  22. melodie

    Space of the Cyber

      no real reason for this vid…just thought it went along with the post… Cyberspace has connected so many throughout the world. With advances in technology and the mass production of its tools this will only become easier. During Gardner Campbell’s talk I realized just how new this is.  From day one it seemed as ...
  23. melodie

    Looks like I’ve made it…

    Look how far I’ve come now, baby. So, my class blog is finally up and running. Technologically, I think that I am using WordPress as a third party provider for a subdomain that is using a section of the server that’s hosting my domain. So, the domain connects to the server of the web-host which ...
  24. melodie

    Looks like I’ve made it…

    Look how far I’ve come now, baby. So, my class blog is finally up and running. Technologically, I think that I am using WordPress as a third party provider for a subdomain that is using a section of the server that’s hosting my domain. So, the domain connects to the server of the web-host which ...

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