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  1. mwatanab

    Twenty Two

     This will be quick. Twenty two is how old I am today.  Which is funny, because at 22 I am sitting posh in Eastern Daylight Time at almost one in the morning while I was actually born at eight at night for Hawai’i Standard Time.  So maybe it’s not quite my birthday yet? Twenty two ...
  2. mwatanab

    Give Yourself Away

    3 Gifts Given Away 221. Time. 222. Money. 223. Words. 3 Hard Eucharistos 224. Vulnerability. 225. Repentance.  It’s hard when the wall is up. 226. Patience. A Gift Turned, Folded, Hung 227. The Bible. 228. Vellum.  MOST BEAUTIFUL SURFACE EVER 229. My sins on the cross. 3 Gifts Red 230. Cold noses. 231. Dry eyes. ...
  3. mwatanab


    don’t forget: SOMEONE TELL JOHNNY!#umw #dupontgallery 5-7 PM wednesday.then 7-9 PM is Beauty in Five Senses — melinda (@melindakumi) March 18, 2013   I HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE
  4. mwatanab

    To Round The Day

    3 Gifts Round 215. My fiber casserole, or at least that’s what I’ll call it from now on.  So many beans! 216. Pillows.  Oh my dear, gracious Lord, pillows are a delight when you use them as they were designed. 217. Tying hair knots.  Knot… 3 Gifts Found In Silence 218. I haven’t really been ...
  5. mwatanab


    3 Gifts Carved 203. I carved a little butt print into the carpet from working in that spot for so long. 204. My name in His wounds. 205. I LOVE WOOD CARVINGS.  Especially if they are sheep. 3 Gifts In Christ 206. I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m not perfect, and that ...
  6. mwatanab

    On Failing and Flailing

    While I have failed miserably with trying to paint daily there are other parts of my the creative juices that are being scraped up and tossed into a blender.  I have been working on multiple projects that may or may not be related to an individual study.  I have continued my hair project (tying knots ...
  7. mwatanab

    Love Out Loud

    It’s finally here – the big 200!  200 gifts to be grateful for and not to ignore. 3 Gifts Loud 200. Shrill barking at 0730.  She’s alive and kicking, y’all. 201. The parkway. 202. The thub-thumping of my heart. When it’s loud I want to go away from the noise and retreat into silence.  With ...
  8. mwatanab

    Shaken Up

    I’m shaking in my seat – literally.  The electrician is downstairs (probably right under where I’m sitting) drilling into his ceiling so that new recessed lighting can be put in.  I’m excited and terrified at the same time.  He’s working on putting lights into a part of the house that I rarely go to, the ...
  9. mwatanab

    Finding the Gift

    3 Gifts Found 191. A gift found in a friend – the work of the Holy Spirit. 192. Babydog sleeping next to my drawing project. 193. Starbucks, haha.  They’re deceptively difficult to locate! A Gift Bent, Broken, Beautiful 194. Yoga Wednesdays.  PG and I miss each other so much that we found videos on YouTube ...
  10. mwatanab


    Yesterday was Girls’ Day! 3 Gifts Wore 185. I did not wear the silly little bobby pin with beautiful pink ribbons in it, but I wore the little turquoise ring I stole from my mom. 186. I did not wear a kimono, or even a yukata, but I did wear leggings. 187. I did not ...
  11. mwatanab


    3 Ugly-Beautiful Gifts 173. Feet. 174. Hands. 175. Words. 3 Gifts From the Past That Helps You Trust the Future 176. I think the fact that I have a yesterday is gift enough. 177. Grandparents.  Do I say this enough? 178. World War II.  How often have I thought of this war as something positive? ...
  12. mwatanab


    3 Gifts Seen As Reflections 169. Sometimes the best gifts that are given are the ones that are received fully.  You never give a gift with the expectation for anything in return, no matter how subtle things are. 170. I guess I’m in a reflective mood, and have been recently, but I think that the ...
  13. mwatanab

    A Cry In My Heart

    3 Gifts That Changed Today 157. I’ve had a new change where I’m noticing how sensitive I am to chatter. 158. I need sleep, desperately.  Fridays have become my Sabbath. 159. I learned that I love reading. A Gift of Tin, Glass, Wood 160. Coke.  I rarely have coke. 161. OHMYGOSH I WISH I HAD ...
  14. mwatanab

    Corhaven: Reflections

    It’s been about a week since my day away and I need a reminder of what I learned or need to learn more about. Corhaven is a place of shelter and sanctuary for the heart. And this implies somehow the presence of God, for as St. Augustine said, “Our heart is restless ‘til it rests ...
  15. mwatanab

    We Are Under Attack

    Things have been frightening and full of learning.  The Center is where I have found my new home.  We are called to explore our faiths, our relationship with Christ and advancing the Kingdom.  We are called to be a part of a community where no question is too big or too little, where questions are okay with ...
  16. mwatanab

    Love Is God

    3 Ways You Feel The Love of God (133 – 135) So recently, because my heart has been all over the place, I am going to not listen to the dare and dare myself for more than three. God loves me because He puts me into safe situations, and when the situation isn’t optimal He ...
  17. mwatanab

    Getting Your Ashes On

    Today, well, yesterday now that I’m typing at three in the morning, is Ash Wednesday.  At four o’clock I went over with my friends from the BCM to my friends over at the CCM and partook in their service.  This is the second time I went to a service like this, and while I don’t ...
  18. mwatanab

    The Hours

    I’m so painfully behind… A Gift at 1130, 1430, 1830 112. Waking up. 113. Not having to go to anthropology. 114. Laughter and dreams. A Gift Broken, Fixed, Thrifted 115. A heart. 116. A spirit. 117. Ugly sweaters. 3 Surprise Gifts – Unexpected Grace 118. M&M games.  Oh gosh, more reason to love the candy. ...
  19. mwatanab

    My Dear

    I am so very behind again, apologies. 3 Gifts Found In Writing 100. So I noticed that it’s really peaceful to be typing everything that comes into my brain.  It is pure bliss when you have a pen and you can write on paper and just let the thoughts bleed. 101. Encouragement. 102.  Women writing ...
  20. mwatanab

    On Being Loved

    It has been difficult finding time to devote to doing anything physical (running, painting, writing, etc.) daily – even my eating habits are all over the place.  This is a dangerous place for an introvert to be, especially when my graduation hangs on the line.  After organizing a Souper Bowl party for Sunday, Christian Unity ...
  21. mwatanab

    Hello, February

    3 Old Things Seen New 88. Bricks on old buildings. 89. Eighty-three year old eyes. 90. The moon.  Its quiet presence. A Gift On Paper, In Person, In A Picture 91. Paper transfer from my roommie to my waterbottle. 92. Three-hour long conversations. 93. The past captured in too many unflattering memories.  But, oh!  The ...
  22. mwatanab


    3 Graces Found In Friends 82. That learning can happen in a group.  That groups facilitate discovery.   That groups are safe. 83. Laughter. 84. Differences in opinions is welcomed. A Song Heard, A Soft Word, Light Seen 85. Also, there’s a new Josh Groban album coming out :] 86. with all humility and gentleness, with ...
  23. mwatanab

    Jesus Christ

    Good gosh this has taken me a lot longer than anticipated.  I do hope to be better at updating.  Also, I think that there is a theme change in the near future!  I say this a lot but I do hope that things change and that they change soon.  Wordpress has a plethora of great ...
  24. mwatanab

    Life Is As Beautiful As Jupiter

    3 Gifts From God’s Word These are a few of my favorite verses: 52. The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  (Lamentations 3:22-23) 53. It is the LORD who goes before you.  He will be with you; he will not ...
  25. mwatanab

    Three Plus More

    A Gift Bringing Laughter, Prayer, Quiet 49. Have you seen The Dark Night Rises?  I finally did.  Twice.  In a row.  Holy smokes!  I’m in love.  As sobering as a lot of the movie was there were still a lot of lighter moments that were so surprising that it tickled my funny bone. 50. Frustrating “professors.”  (I haven’t had such ...
  26. mwatanab

    Give and Wear

    A Gift Worn, Given Away, Shared 43. I’m wearing a dark blue nail polish (essie) given to me by one of my closest friends.  It’s gorgeous. 44. 45. Today was absolutely beautiful.  I got to spend an evening sharing life together.  One person and I gushed about our Volvos.  Another person and I shared job-searching ...
  27. mwatanab

    God’s Graces

    3 Startling Graces of God 40. He aligns our hearts even when we are far away.  He sets books, places, and people into our lives for us to find at a later time – in His time (a.k.a. the right time). 41. His timing is perfect.  The fact that one of my best friends can ...
  28. mwatanab

    Me, Myself, Melinda

    3 Things About Yourself You Are Grateful For 37. I have functioning senses.  I can see parts of me going downhill at a slow pace, but at least I still have them. 38. Eyes.  They are the one feature I notice remains pretty constant in all my pictures.  They share of my past, my present, ...

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