Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94992 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mwatanab

    Catching Up Again

    After eleven nauseating hours on an airplane and eighteen hours of catch-up and recuperating sleep, I’m back. A Gift Held, Passed By, Sat With 25. +30 second hugs mean something.  Thanks, Grandma. 26. Washington, D.C. is not known to be the friendliest of places, but the man at Dulles International Airport who helped this single ...
  2. mwatanab

    Somethings On My Mind

    Lists are fun.  I’m not good at keeping to them. It’s official: I’m not going back to Hawai’i for the summer.  I need to find a place to live. I need to find a place to work. Read the Bible praying, “Father, hold my mind’s attention. Wake my heart’s affection. Speak for your glory and ...
  3. mwatanab

    A Work of The Eyes

    So I’m a little behind because I find no use for computers over the weekend it seems.  Here’s to catching up! Something You’re Reading, Making, Seeing 13. Besides my Bible (ESV: Psalms, Genesis, 1 Chronicles, Luke) I’ve recently started Book of Hours and The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. 14. Acrylic on aluminum foil. 15. ...
  4. mwatanab

    Grace Overheard

    3 Graces You Overheard Grace: 1 a : unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification b : a virtue coming from God c : a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace 2 a : approval, b archaic : mercy, pardon c : a special favor : privilege d : disposition to ...
  5. mwatanab

    Looking to The Future of

    What’s next? I had mentioned earlier that I wanted to keep this website up (thanks, Domain of One’s Own! [and on Wired]) but I am not sure on what direction I am going to take. As entertaining as daily ramblings and musings can be, I fear that this is all it will ever be.  No ...
  6. mwatanab

    Inside-Out Plate

    A gift outside, inside, on a plate 4.  Yesterday I was joyous because of the sound of rain, and today I am joyful for the sights of wind.  Every time I see the breeze sway the trees I am reminded of God’s love.  It’s like that quote:  “Love is like the wind, you can’t see ...
  7. mwatanab

    The Joy Dare

    This year I am going to turn the frown in my heart upside-down.  I am going to partake in the Joy Dare which uses a prompt a day to share with you three things.  I think that too often I get bogged down by the cares and burdens of our current world and by my ...
  8. mwatanab

    Aloha from the Office

    I’m in my second official week here at the Waialae Baptist Church office sitting in for a family friend.  Between casual conversations with the pastors and administrators of different ministries I get to sort through mail and email, file papers away, type on desktop keyboards (and typewriters), spin in a chair that swivels, print church ...
  9. mwatanab

    I Can’t

    My final project was a nightmare.  I had a difficult time getting sources for my media and for my ideas to weave together for a similar aesthetic for a story, and it’s incomplete (actually it hasn’t even been published.  There goes my grade and my sanity!).  I think the most difficult part of this final ...
  10. mwatanab

    To The Future

    final by melindakumi My follow up letter: It is my pleasure to welcome you into the ds106 family.  Let me give you a little more advice.  Approach your assignments eagerly and with great fervor.  This is an exciting time in your life and there are no classes like this anywhere else so take full advantage ...
  11. mwatanab

    Impressionate It How

    by Take a painting, drawing, ceramic or sculpture from history and change the style of it. For example, take a painting from modern day artists and turn it into an Impressionist painting like that of Claude Monet. Or you could take a Grecian urn and change the images on it to make it a scene ...
  12. mwatanab

    Sub-Mission: Daily Create

    As part of this class I am to submit assignment suggestions to the Daily Create website.  The first I submitted was featured on Sunday, October 7, 2012 where you take a photo that encompasses nothing, a void, absence. The second suggestion is to Make a recording of you sharing with us your exercise of the day. I’m ...
  13. mwatanab

    What’s In A Name – A How-To

    A Two-Star Assignment in which you Write a blog in which you tell us something, anything, about either your given names or your blog name(s). Although it’s pretty self-explanatory in the assignment, I don’t want it to be a simple, “Hi, my name is Melinda and my name means this, and only this.  The end.”  Here are ...
  14. mwatanab

    Remix These Weeks

    by My ideas of remixes and mashups haven’t changed much since starting these past two weeks off, I just have more respect for those that do create these kinds of videos.  The most difficult part of remixing and mashing is that I wanted to work with my hands to move things and ...
  15. mwatanab

    Phantom of Egypt

    From the Movie Music Comparison – Can You Score? 4-star assignment: Blend two songs from any two different movie scores, creating a mix of the two songs into one. You will need to use Audacity or iMovie/Garageband to edit the clips together. This may sound a bit daunting, but it’s fun to do! A great ...
  16. mwatanab

    Recycle Remash

    From the 3-star Recycle the Media assignment: During the Fall 2012 iteration of ds106 taught at UMW, we collected media from students that was unused in their previous work uploaded to (the password was “photos4life” newly added media might take some time to be moved- we have to feed the squirrels that do this manual labor). ...
  17. mwatanab

    I Look My Best In Pink

    Best Assignment [Remixed]: Pretty In Pink Original Assignments Best Assignment created by James Cruz Talk about the best assignment you have ever completed in ds106. Why do you think it was the best assignment you have completed? Was it because of the response you had from the community? Remix Card: “Pretty In Pink” Molly taught us ...
  18. mwatanab

    Proposing Servitude

    I’ve been doing a lot of self-analyzing and looking at when I was growing up I often found myself serving others. Though this was almost always directly related to food (preparation, presentation, dishing them out, cleaning and storing) it was a way in which I helped my grandparents who were always hosting people over for ...
  19. mwatanab

    RrREMIX Thoughts

    I was dreading the remixes before we even got to them.  I can be creative but having to use existing material to create something with an alternative narrative is really daunting.  This set of assignments is probably going to manifest my terrible experiences with collages I have made in the past.  I think that, to ...
  20. mwatanab

    “That’s A Wrap”

    I broke the cardinal rule of ds106: I waited until Saturday/Sunday.  I had some segments of my work completed, but I hadn’t put anything together and made sense of everything.  I forgot that the biggest aspect of doing video was the time it took for them to be uploaded to its final destination and/or having ...
  21. mwatanab

    Kaylashov Effect

    A 2-star assignment: Create your own Kuleshev effect demonstration by putting together 4 clips a la what AH describes here: 4 clips should be: 1) a medium or close-up shot of a person looking at the camera with no or subtle emotion x2 2) object of emotional response 1 (woman and baby in AH clip) 3) ...
  22. mwatanab

    This Is My Gratitude

    A 2-star assignment: Tell a short story using flashcard and record yourself. It can be something funny, sad, or just even express how your day was. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I wanted to do a short tribute of thankfulness in video form.  What better way to tell my story?  I do believe that ...
  23. mwatanab

    Stubborn Prezi User

    A 5-star assignment: You’ll need a camera. And you’ll need another frame. Hold the frame in one hand (don’t let you hand cover the side facing you), and take a picture with it in the center of the image. Then step backwards and take another photo just like it. Repeat until you are tired of making ...
  24. mwatanab

    I Want To Go Into Space

    A 5-star Return to the Silent Era assignment: The dawn of cinema had no audio; silent movies created an atmosphere with music and the use of cue cards. Take a 3-5 minute trailer of a modern movie and render it in the form os the silent era- convert to black and white, add effects to make ...
  25. mwatanab

    Reading Moving Pictures Week

    I have very little video-editing knowledge.  Aside from helping a “friend” with MPEG Streamclip video editing for an earlier version of this class two years ago and my final video assignment for Digital Approaches to Fine Arts, I have no knowledge.  Any knowledge that I pretend to have is faux-ledge. This has been a pretty ...
  26. mwatanab

    Revisiting Opening Scene

    (You can see my original notes here: I believe that this would fall in the Action / Crime genres according to my understanding of Film Genres. Because I have never actually seen the movie I am still assuming that this is relatively fast-paced.  The movie is based on the lives of criminals and are even ...
  27. mwatanab


    Thoughts? Return to the Silent Era:  I am fascinated by the Silent Era, especially after watching Metropolis the other year. I also saw The Artist which was amaaaaazing and beautiful. In my attempt to mimic a silent era movie I am planning on using multiple scenes from October Sky. Railroad Scare Test Launches ...
  28. mwatanab

    Two Videos

    A first in the way I approach Daily Creates! 31 October 2012, Wednesday  |  tdc297 Trick or Treat!  Make a video of the most awesome Halloween costume you see or imagine tonight. Thankfully it was a dodgeball night (Sundays and Wednesdays at 10pm!) so there was an abundance of costumes.  Some man was dressed in ...
  29. mwatanab

    Opening Scene

    The Way of the Gun directed by Christopher McQuarrie Eyes Wide Open – (Viewing Only) panning in – rule of thirds diagonals created with line of people girl screaming on the right of it all people screaming on the right of “focus person” left move down ramp reversing diagonals using people movement central crowd mob ...

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