Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94992 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mwatanab

    Weak Week

    Well, here we are again.  Sunday night cramming – crap I’m late.  Some weeks I’m more prepared for the unsuspecting lengths of these things, but this week is not one of them.  My normal cram days were shot down with a very influential weekend in the woods, but that also meant being completely disconnected from ...
  2. mwatanab

    baby hacks

    hackey baby steps baby steps I need to play around with a more text-heavy site so I can play with all the colors and fonts, etc.!  I’ve used a lot of HTML before but since I was on a time crunch I just dawdled around Hackasaurus because Firebug wasn’t working for me at alllllll.  Good ...
  3. mwatanab


    A 3-Star Google History Maps Story: Use Google Maps to tell a story of historical or literary figure! The only rules are that you have to use Google Maps proper in order to tell your story, and post it here. For examples see:
  4. mwatanab

    Where Am I?

    This was so much harder to do even though I had a Video Creator to use. The Make A Story Out of Search two-star assignment (Use Google Search Stories Video creator to create a narrative out of a search.) was really testing my limits on storytelling. I feel a bit dry after taking in so ...
  5. mwatanab

    The ADAAM Radio Show

    First of all I love the acronym. In general the sound was pretty fuzzy when the audio came in. The levels of the audio varied greatly from person to person, yet the edits were very clean.  I love that the music is appropriate. However, the sound effects in the intro are overpowering and they ...
  6. mwatanab

    Daily Creating Connections

    Wednesday, October 24, 2012 | tdc290 Record a sound familiar to you, but strange to others (creak in the stairs, whine of an engine) losing minesweeper by melindakumi My roommate hates when I plug my mouse into my laptop. She hates it even more when I start clicking like crazy playing minesweeper because she knows ...
  7. mwatanab

    Seven Ate Break

    Four plus Six equals Ten Four pieces of (un)used media: I rarely keep anything that I don’t use. I don’t have enough memory space for keeping junk, and my process of creating is often to scrap as I go. The files I sent in are jpgs, png, and mp3. One is a simple image that ...
  8. mwatanab

    My Nightdream

    A 3-star assignment of Audio Dream Stories: This is a variation off of AudioAssignments70: Sound Effects Story, except the main goal of this assignment is to create a story using only sounds (no words) found on the Internet that tells the story of a dream using audio. Restrictions: use only sounds from and a max ...
  9. mwatanab

    6, 7, 8

    Six for weeks 7 and 8 7 October 2012 | tdc273 Take a photo that encompasses nothing, a void, absence. Yay, my daily create!  I was so excited that I basically rolled out of bed, snapped the photo on my phone, and uploaded it.  I guess the backstory makes it seems like there is more ...
  10. mwatanab

    Media Recycling

    I rarely keep anything that I don’t use.  I don’t have enough memory space for keeping junk, and my process of creating is often to scrap as I go.  The files I sent in are jpgs, png, and mp3.  One is a simple image that I created not for any assignments, another is for a ...
  11. mwatanab

    With A Perspective, I’m Melinda

    A 4-star assignment: A Life In Two Minutes: Create a 2 minute audio story inspired by the “My Life is True” series produced by KQED of Northern California. KQED works with people “to explain, in their own words, a significant moment or stubborn problem.” Work with a friend or tell a story about yourself that describes ...
  12. mwatanab

    Vergnügungen von Bertolt Brecht

    A 1-star Poetry Reading assignment: Poetry is meant to be read aloud. Select a poem – it can be a personal favorite or one you find randomly – and read it aloud in a way that itself makes it a story. Then at the ending of that poem extend it or connect it to a story ...
  13. mwatanab

    Potato Pancakes

    A 2-star multi-taskory assignment: Record a small snippet of audio of you trying to accomplish two or more tasks at the same time that are difficult for you. Imagine the old “pat your head and rub your tummy” only with two tasks that can come across well with audio. breakfast by melindakumi I recorded this on ...
  14. mwatanab

    Wrapping Up Week Six With A Bow

    As Design Week comes to a close I will have to say that this has been the most miserable week of my life.  This brought up a lot of negativity from my Digital Approaches to Fine Arts class because of my constant use of Creative Suite 5 then, and even returning to work on CS6 ...
  15. mwatanab


    Each student must write a blog post outlining his/her planned contributions to the radio show. In addition, each student must design a poster as an advertisement for their group’s show. I honestly have no idea what I’m going to do.  I haven’t been effectively communicating with my group so there’s a lot I’m unhappy about. ...
  16. mwatanab

    Lets go surfin’ now

    Everybodys learning how Come on and safari with me (come on and safari with…) So this week I took Sheila around with me but not that much…  I feel guilty that I became too busy to include her in my life.  Here are some pictures where I was re-scouring The Center: Form/function/message: Besides this being ...
  17. mwatanab

    Top Gun

    From the Movie Trading Cards assignment: Design trading cards for your favorite movie. Use a screenshot from a film an use it to create a trading card in the spirit of the class Star Wars movie trading cards. Also see the imagine trading card for The Shininghere. Idea inspired by Sean Hartter’s rendition of Brazil trading cards inthis ...
  18. mwatanab

    Up In Out

    From the Minimize Your Philosophy assignment: Pick your favorite quote OR make up your own phrase which describes a philosophy that you try to live by. It can be about love, friendship, family, education, culture, health, charity, etc. Design a minimalist poster depicting the concept. Extra challenge: Try to include a unique element that makes ...
  19. mwatanab

    TWINKIES – The Debut

    From the Your Big Break assignment: You finally got your big break in the Music Industry and you are releasing your first album, and guess what you get to design it yourself. The assignment is to design a new original album cover where you are the artist, you can use any genre and theme you want ...
  20. mwatanab

    One Movie, Four Snippets

    From the assignment One Story / Four Icons: This idea was first suggested by Tom Woodward and has been a long standing popular ds106 assignment, but mis-filed in the Visual Assignments category (see the 80+ examples done there). This is really a design task, so hang ‘em here from now on.  The assignment is to reduce a movie, ...
  21. mwatanab

    The Melting Pot Melting Family

    From the “What is Culture?” assignment: Create image that you think this is culture for you. It is acceptable to use two more pictures if you want. (2 stars) I found two pictures from 2008 when my Virginia cousins came to visit with my cousin’s then-girlfriend (now, since 2011, wife).  It is a picture of ...
  22. mwatanab


    adj.  Lacking enthusiasm and determination; lacking life, spirit, or zest; carelessly lazy; languid. From the WORD assignment: Pick one word. Select one single typeface, and communicate your word. Do not use colors or any other graphical elements. The goal is to select a type face that represents the meaning of the word, and if needed ...
  23. mwatanab


    I created myself a tapestry. The assignment where I create a tale with a tapestry: Go to Bildwirkerey von Bayeuxbe where you will find the “Historic Tale Constrvction Cit”, a web-based app inspired by the Tapestry of Bayeux. Follow the directions to create your own tapestry story, then be sure to share it with us! ...
  24. mwatanab

    Weekly Summary-r

    Daily Creatr This week it was rough to get in my three.  For some reason I just couldn’t bring myself to post anything I did and if I did finally get to the point of wanting to post it, it was a new day.  I liked the drawing ones, again, probably because I stink at ...
  25. mwatanab


    (From Create a New You assignment: Take an existing photo of yourself, and edit in a way to give the picture a different look. Color your hair, change your eyes, whiten your teeth, get a “tan”, etc. 2-stars) I’ve always wanted a different look.  For a while it was deep blue eyes, sometimes it was hazel, ...
  26. mwatanab

    Fake Daily Creates

    I am a phony, I am a fraud.  I drew my second daily create a day late and posted it even later. tdc262 | September 26, 2012 Bald is beautiful! Photograph the egghead in your life. I have known this “egghead” (who has likeeee 2mm of hair atop his head) since my freshman year and ...
  27. mwatanab

    HI VA

    If you are a frequent visitor you may have noticed the shift in my blog’s aesthetic.  <sadface>I switched themes.</sadface>  A lot of my images weren’t showing up at the designated pixel height I established for them, etc.  So I changed to a theme where I am going to be customizing a lot more since I ...
  28. mwatanab

    20 Seconds of Mystery

    (From Is That A…Ghost? assignment: Take a photo in which there is a ghost like subject by either using a long exposure or 2 different pictures in a photo editing software. 3-stars/10 current: 8) This was taken at 33mm f/32, ISO-1600, 20 seconds with Sheila during a trying moment of the night where we all ...
  29. mwatanab

    Bloomsburg Fair

    (The A-Z Photo Collage from the assignment: Make an alphabetically themed collage. Compile images to represent each letter of the alphabet within a chosen subject area or theme. Create a collage.  3-stars/10, current total: 5) Some of these are a stretch, but: Ear [of corn], Nikon, artist, zinnia, boots, map, hay, racing, vip status for ...

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