Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mwatanab

    Mr. Seal’s Day Out

    (“AJ William’s Buddy Photo.”  An assignment where you Find a little figurine or a stuffed animal that you can carry around with you. Use that “buddy” and take photos to document where you have gone together. ie: going out to lunch, going to the movies, etc. 2-stars/10) We started off in Centralia (I have a ...
  2. mwatanab

    Stroke Week

    Yesterday’s Daily Create on “Love sees no color” made me really aware of some things even if I didn’t do the assignment. Last week when I listened to “Words” on Radiolab, Jill Bolte Taylor spoke of her experience of having a stroke. Because it was such a small segment of the show it didn’t stay ...
  3. mwatanab

    20 Minute Challenge

    I chose to work in my dorm room because it was the most colorful place I have ever been.  Our walls and desks are cluttered with color and possibilities.  I shot with Sheila again and that made it easier to adjust the lighting situation and my depth of field.  This was challenging because I was ...
  4. mwatanab

    A Month In

    Key points of audio storytelling: This wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be, but it was sure informative!  Let me tell you why:  I used to listen to Garrison Keillor on The Writers Almanac everyday for my sophomore and junior years of high school.  I sporadically listened to A Prairie Home Companion.  It ...
  5. mwatanab

    My First Lantern Floating Festival

    I have never been to a lantern floating festival, although it has been a growing trend in my home city for quite some years now.  I watched a program on TV for Memorial Day and I was quite mesmerized like I am every year.  This sound story is how I imagine a festival would be for me. ...
  6. mwatanab

    Audire Exempla

    (To Hear Examples) When I listened to Words on Radiolab I was fascinated, as I always have been, by the way that language can alter a way of life.  I was not impressed, however, with the way that the story was originally presented.  The layering upon layering of words echoing atop another was confusing and ...
  7. mwatanab

    The Daily Creative

    The Prompt: Can graffiti be beautiful?  Let your photo make a statement. September 21, 2012 | Photography | 256 Graffiti for a grade. Advanced drawing students are taking over Melchers Hall with line drawings of non-traditional graffiti material. These materials range from threads and needles to tape on tape on tape. This trio of students ...
  8. mwatanab

    Ra-Ra-Ra-Rad Radio

    Yesterday was a lazy day for me so I booted up the old laptop and lay down on my bed. ds106radio was not working for me the night before so I had low hopes and expectations. Well, it worked. I listened on and off for about three hours marveling at the artists I had never ...
  9. mwatanab

    Story-Craft Audio Style

    Key points from Ira Glass‘s Parts of Storytelling Glass makes sure that we know the Building Blocks of Stories and states that there are two in broadcasting: the Anecdote and the Moment of Reflection.  The anecdote is the sequence of actions breaking down the story to its purest form. This includes the thoughts and ideas ...
  10. mwatanab

    What’s In A Name?

    So, what’s in a name?  I realized today that I never really shared the name behind my blog just assuming it was self-explanatory.  But I think it’s fun to learn toponymy (the study of names) because names are of great importance. Melinda. It is of Greek origin and can be a derivative of Melanie (dark ...
  11. mwatanab

    A Report In The Week of Melinda

    Earlier this week I posted a Star Wars-y post parodying parodies.  I don’t think that my views have been altered very much in the course of the week.  I think the things that I have changed a little on is my view of storytelling being digital by adding that, by going digital, you solidify its ... Continue Reading
  12. mwatanab

    If You Give Melinda A Cookie

    The full story by Laura Joffe Numeroff, illustrated by Felicia Bond. This is not just a story that I am familiar with but a story that I closely identify with. I guess I was at a crucial age where stories really took hold of my life because I am a cookie snob, get distracted easy ... Continue Reading
  13. mwatanab

    Collecting Creativity

    A Collection of the Daily Creates I did for Week 3 of ds106. The Prompt: Take a picture of anger, or something that makes you angry. September 10, 2012 The Prompt: On this day, whisper a message of hope by candlelight (or flashlight). September 11, 2012 The Prompt: Sidewalks are great for people watching. Make ... Continue Reading
  14. mwatanab

    People, People, People

    people are gonna hate me. I just noticed that I’m kind of critical when it comes to commenting on blogs.  I’m really sorry. I am in an environment where I am challenged to look at all aspects of your work down to the minute details and the ideas behind your pieces.  Because I am not ... Continue Reading
  15. mwatanab

    Top-Heavy Weeks

    The problem with top-heavy weeks is that, since you have been off a computer for four solid days, that the return back to your computer is overwhelmingly distracting while trying to whittle down my assignment load and getting enough Zzz. I have wandered upon Caine’s Arcade with the help of Nirvan who works for a ... Continue Reading
  16. mwatanab


    Add a touch of nature to your page with these hungry little fish.  Watch them as they follow your mouse hoping you will feed them by clicking the surface of the water. via Fish.
  17. mwatanab

    A Long, Long Time Ago

    A long, long time ago in a city far away… It is a period of civil war. Rebel students and professors, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil World Wide Web. During the battle Rebel spies managed to steal plans to the Web’s ultimate weapon – the Trojan and ... Continue Reading
  18. mwatanab

    Angry and Frustrated

    The Prompt: Take a picture of anger, or something that makes you angry. I love this class, I really do!  But when I’m excited that my Weekly Summary didn’t take me until almost midnight to complete and submit and then completely forget to submit my summary.  Well then. Being late stinks. Also, too many pages ... Continue Reading
  19. mwatanab

    The Real Bootcamp

    Daily Creates Time Spun Slowly: I had the most difficult time with this one because I didn’t want it to be a fan or the sun or something like that.  This one challenged me beyond reason.  And I liked it. Red Hot Chili Peppers: This was an easy choice for me because you ... Continue Reading
  20. mwatanab

    Creator’s Copyright

    Now that’s what I’m talking about!  Creative Commons, the copyright that is easily understandable by the everyday creator just wanting to expand their minds and worlds.  Founded in 2001 and released in late 2002, Creative Commons has been largely supported by the Center for the Public Domain.  The company is not just to protect the rights ... Continue Reading
  21. mwatanab


    These chias are coming with me everywhere! The Prompt: Take a picture of something being worn as a hat that has absolutely no business being worn as a hat.
  22. mwatanab

    Beneath the Marquee of Her Soul

    The Prompt: Draw a tribute album cover by reimagining one of from your favorite band. Yikes! Body forms are not my forte, but I still love me some Red Hot Chili Peppers. I have more albums from them than I’d care to admit online.
  23. mwatanab

    Gettin’ Giffy With It

    Remember when I was in my ARTS104: Digital Approaches to Art and had to have my own umwblog? I made GIFs in Creative Suite 5, I believe, and they were short GIFs from photos I had taken on a hike. Content here: Click to see full-sized, non-warped version. There’s something peaceful and yet beautifully frightening ... Continue Reading
  24. mwatanab

    Time Spun Slowly In Wait

    Prompt: Take a photograph of a spinning object frozen in motion or blurred. (Note: I was kind of sad that I wasn’t the only person who thought of time being frozen via an analog clock.  Whoopsies!)

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