Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Michael Branson Smith

    Modern VHS

    Here at camp I’ve finally worked through my Bootstrap tutorials and created a spec site for a much larger project that I’m hoping to work on this summer. As part of my learning to code binge , I’m planning to learn the basics of Python and OpenCV to try and make an image processing application. The […]
  2. Michael Branson Smith

    Letter from Camp

    Code summer camp has been off to a nice start. There have been about six students who have taken advantage of the offer to come into York College and use the lab and each other to get some work done. In particular, shout out to Neyser who’s come three out of our first four days. […]
  3. Michael Branson Smith

    Code Summer Camp

    This summer I’m going to be hosting a code summer camp for my students at York College. I’ve been honest with them in that it’s as much for me as it is for them. It’s been an unusual year in which I’ve started teaching web design and development for the first time. Though I’ve built websites […]
  4. Michael Branson Smith


    #ds106 reply to me w/ tag #tdc1775 Create a Retro 80s Message! — ds106 Daily Create (@ds106dc) November 17, 2016 I saw this morning’s DS106 Daily Create and thought of the Vaporwave Aesthetic and thought I’d share my interest in it. It’s an amalgam of retro culture remix focused on the commercial aesthetics … Continue reading "Vaporwave"
  5. Michael Branson Smith

    Some additional resources to Ryan’s Net Art Tutorial

    Here’s a video tutorial inspired by Ryan’s Net Art tutorial which shows the use of as well as a new way to make selections in Photoshop using a color range. I worked with a NYPL archive image of the Unisphere and made a couple of pieces. One thing I couldn’t cover was the process for making … Continue reading "Some additional resources to Ryan’s Net Art Tutorial"
  6. Michael Branson Smith

    If I could clone mysefl I could get so much more done…

    And same goes for the college assistant Fawaz. Today we hosted a quick little experiment which is possible using the Panorama shooting mode of a lot of smartphones. You can hack the feature and work to place a person in more than one location of the photo in realtime. By pausing your pan and having … Continue reading "If I could clone mysefl I could get so much more done…"
  7. Michael Branson Smith

    Reverse Animal Rescue: Abandoning 13 Kittens

    It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything, never mind following through with a post about GIF culture under the I Grok GIFs series. So why not toss some kittens in the yard and restart this thing. Reverse Animal Rescue is a subreddit that evolved out of r/reversegif and a sick sense of humor which imagines upgrading […]

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