Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. omaraminzay

    Final Project

    Good Evening, I am here to tell you about a story that is all too common for a college kid. Once Upon a Time, Chris Millan, a broke sophomore in college worked during his winter and summer breaks at a local Italian restaurant to save money for school. His only goal was to save enough money to buy […]
  2. omaraminzay

    Memento Story – Daily Create #3 – 7/22/14

    Remove the chicken and put it on a plate. Pour sauce over your chicken piccata dinner. Check your amazing concoction for seasoning. Place the chicken back into the pan and let it cook for 5 minutes. Add fresh lemon juice, white wine and capers. Bring the dish to a boil. Also add some chicken stock to your […]
  3. omaraminzay

    Week Assignment 4 Summary Assignment

    This week has been mixed to say the least. I was excited that we got to participate in the video part of the course. Given that I had few problems with iMovie, I wasn’t to worried. This week work began to slow down so I had some time to work on these assignment. I was a little […]
  4. omaraminzay

    Chaplin Edit

        This assignment was challenging to say the least. I began downloading the video from YouTube by using Once I did that, I uploaded the video onto iMovie: Then I added the Music from, run amok as the background music. Before I did that, I had to mute the original pieceThat was […]
  5. omaraminzay

    Draw Nature – Daily Create 1/4 – 7/17/14

    This week has been long and unforgiving. I am usually upbeat, but I lately just have been tired. I am pushing through though. This is a picture of a flower that I saw earlier today. It is not as pretty as it was in real life, but still serves the same purpose. It was interesting […]
  6. omaraminzay

    What Makes you Laugh – Video Assignment #2

    What Makes you Laugh: Whenever I am having a bad day, this is the first clip I turn to. Napoleon Dynamite was a movie about two high school outcast who preserved throughout high school their friendship and loyalty. Even though at times the popular kids were mean and insensitive, Pedro and Napoleon made it the happily […]
  7. omaraminzay

    Look, Listen, & Analyze – The Joke Pencil Trick

    Look, Listen, & Analyze – Camera Work The following clip is only 3 minutes and 3 seconds long.  The clip starts of with of the shot of the Joker casually walking in. Then quickly, the camera pans over all the mobsters of Gotham. In that 20 second exchanged, we are introduced to the dark […]
  8. omaraminzay

    Reading Movies – 7/16/14

    Roger Ebert establishes guidelines on how to dissect a movie in his article “How to Read a Movie.” These are helpful tips a non-savvy moviegoer can utilize to better their overall experience. Ebert  introduces the following concepts in his article: Visual compositions have intrinsic weighting: certain areas of the available visual space have the tendencies to stir emotional […]
  9. omaraminzay

    Week Three Summary

    Final Summary For Week Three:  This week has been mixed to say the least. I was excited that we got to participate in the sound part of the course. Given that I had few problems with sound-cloud, I wasn’t to worried. This week I also began to ramp up work at my job. It will […]
  10. omaraminzay

    Foley Sounds Assignments – August 0:31-1:00

    This assignment was a challenge. We were asked to create a sound that would follow along with Charlie Chaplin’s movie. This is the original clip I was to recreate. That was the original clip. This is my recreation. Enjoy: In this clip, there were four distinct sounds that I had to recreate. 1. Charlie Shaking […]
  11. omaraminzay

    Modern Vintage – Daily Create #3 7/10/14

    Today’s daily create is to take a photo of something modern and make it look old. We were advised to not use a black or white filter or a sepia one. Then the question was, how do you make a modern image look old? Naturally, I was inclined to use an app on my phone that […]
  12. omaraminzay

    My Life in a Sentence – Daily Create #1 7/7/14

      As of Monday, July, 7 2014, my life revolves around constant planning. It is a love hate relationship! Currently, I am planning how to complete the assignments for ds106 and manage my work schedule. The anxiety is the worst at the beginning of the week, but it gets better as the week pans out. […]
  13. omaraminzay

    Week Two Summary

    Reflection on Tedx Phoenix Talk: Design Safari: Design Assignments (I did four accidentally) 1# 2# 3# 4# Giving and Getting Comment Feedback: This week I made comments on both Sarah French and Anna Cotuna’s page.  On Anna Cotuna’s page I noted that I really like the use of her pictures for her design safari. […]
  14. omaraminzay

    Design Safari

    This has been a challenge to say the least. I believe that sometimes we get so busy with our daily lives, we forget to appreciate the little things in life. So this week, I took an extra special attempt to pay attention to the aspects of my life which I neglect. My results are interesting! Please […]
  15. omaraminzay

    Cartoon The Head! – Design Assignment #4

    Cartoon The Head I am going to take you through my journey for this design assignment, I started by looking for pictures of cartoons. I didn’t know what I was looking for exactly, naturally I began to procrastinate and look at pictures of cars. It is amazing how the human brain works. I was in my […]

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