Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92861 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Peggy Herrick

    Journey Daybook Pages

    I have decided to separate my journey daybook pages by subject matter on a separate page devoted to these pages. You will find most of them under Journeys, Retreats, and Journey Daybook Pages.
  2. Peggy Herrick

    Cutting across Iowa

    Today I opted to head directly to Minneapolis from Davenport and to eliminate a section of the Mississippi in Iowa and southern Minnesota.  This afternoon, after this short-cut, I rejoined the river where it flows through  the Twin Cities. It … Continue reading
  3. Peggy Herrick


    Follow this link to hear my offering for today that is posted on Soundcloud. It is my intention to complete these daily creates each week as personal discipline. I hope that they will hone my digital media skills.
  4. Peggy Herrick


    Design Safari My safari took place in my small Florida island village that has a population of 588 registered voters. Most of the population lives a simple life: fishermen, crabbers, and people who farm clams. There is a small group of retired people, artists, and writers. As I studied the Design References this ...
  5. Peggy Herrick


    NETFLIX I used to #ThinkFood and crave photography edutainment. The community came in the mail. In contrast with this traditional model, my entertainment is now online. Perspectives collide, challenge, and contrast. I see the 22 rules of storytelling on the films that fly by my eyes. I am uplifted. I sense that the distributed, democratic, fun educational experience that is DS106 also has ...
  6. Peggy Herrick

    ds106.CC – Creative Commons

    Creative Commons is a licensing system borne out of the notion of sharing and collaboration that extends and replaces the traditional copyright. In 2001, this 501c(3) non-profit charitable corporation was founded by a visionary board of directors who gathered in California. The group was made up of educators, technologists, lawyers, entrepreneurs, artists, and ...
  7. Peggy Herrick

    DS106 – First Post

    For the next several weeks, I will be part of an international online course in Digital Storytelling operated by Mary Washington University in Virginia. The posts will reflect the various assignments that I accomplish.

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