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  1. paul bond

    Odd futures

    The Internet Society has a page of possible futures for the internet, not all positive. Something I find interesting about them is that they put these scenarios together in 2009, projecting ten years ahead. So we’re halfway between their vantage point … Continue reading
  2. paul bond

    Impact mapping

    Jessi, of the illustrious Internet Course crew, suggested that we cover the impacts of the internet through a Google map. It seems counterintuitive to me – I think of the internet as the cloud, the ether, so geolocating its impacts would never have … Continue reading
  3. paul bond

    Chalk talk

    I looked over Jim’s collection of chalkboard shots, and thought a little about each one. In the 70s, we see conditions developing – protocols (like FTP), applications (email, games), and personal computers (Apple II). These things are setting the stage … Continue reading
  4. paul bond

    On to week two

    This week we start looking where the Internet comes from. The class has put together a good collection of readings and summarized them. In addition to that, we’ve read Hafner and Lyon’s Where the Wizards Stay Up Late, Kevin Hughes’ … Continue reading
  5. paul bond

    Summaries so far

    The summaries I’ve skimmed through so far have been quite good. It’s interesting to consider the connections between them. The past and the future of the internet exist on a continuum rather than as two separate things, as Kim suggests. … Continue reading
  6. paul bond

    Crime online

    When we were brainstorming ideas for The Internet Course, someone mentioned crime as one of the impacts. The truecrimers among us were very pleased. Criminology has produced plenty of research on cybercrime. Another way to find out about it is … Continue reading

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