Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    #Phonar Week One; Orientation


    This week's session was an orientation for the students taking part. We discussed both the 'why' and the 'how' of #phonar 2012 including a walkthrough of the website and an introduction to Alan Levine's DS106 class who we will be working collaboratively with throughout the term.

    The video here details all of the above in a handy audio visual nugget...

    . . . → Read More: #Phonar Week One; Orientation
  2. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    New #Phonar Android App Released


    Thanks to all of you who downloaded the previous Beta version of the #phonar Android App and got in touch with your suggestions of improvements and reporting of bugs. We now have the new release #Phonar App for Android available to download via the APK file linked below. As before, please do get in touch if you have any issues at all...

    . . . → Read More: New #Phonar Android App Released
  3. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    #Phonar emails


    As we have mentioned before, in a bid to reduce noise and amplify signal we wont be communicating via email in #phonar 2012 but instead by the channels found here. However those who have previously signed up to our register have been emailed to inform them that the class is almost upon us, in our move away from a paid email service there may be several remote students who have missed the email and several who have received the email twice. Sorry that this time we got the noise/signal balance the wrong way . . . → Read More: #Phonar emails

  4. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Work Hard, be Prodigious; a Message from Ira Glass


    There will be thousands of students embarking on various creative courses for the first time this week, there will also be a number of #phonar remote students who haven't taken part in anything like this before and might worry about the quality of their outputs. To all these new, creative students we hope that this short video featuring the great Ira Glass will help put you at ease. Remember; keep working, keep honing your eye and your skills, the work will meet your ambitions if you keep at it.

    . . . → Read More: Work Hard, be Prodigious; a Message from Ira Glass
  5. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    A message to 2012 #phonar students

    I hope and trust you're well and enjoying the summer in spite of the painful lack of #Phonar / #Picbod action. For those of you experiencing cold turkey I’m talking at Photokina in Germany so you can get a Euro-fix (Jack if you come please don’t wear the T-Birds jacket or I will deny you).
    So here's the thing, I'd love to run #phonar 2012 as an open class and judging by the way you kicked all kinds of ass on #picbod I think that you would rock this show too, but if we're going to run it open then I will need your help...
    . . . → Read More: A message to 2012 #phonar students
  6. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Where have all the good times gone?


    It may be looking a little bare right now but we are setting up ready for the best #phonar yet – #PHONAR 2012!

    As part of this the old schedule, tasks and posts have been taken down from the homepage.

    If you’re in the mood for some retro #phonar action you can head to the ‘PHONAR 2010′ or ‘PHONAR 2011′ categories on the right hand sidebar to get your . . . → Read More: Where have all the good times gone?

  7. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Pete Brook – Prison Photography and the Etiquette of Crowdfunding


    Towards the end of #phonar 2011, we heard from contributor Pete Brook about his successfully crowdfunded project 'Prison Photography on the Road'. Pete spoke not only about the project and his time on the road, but on the kickstarter platform he used to crowdfund the project.

    Just this weekend Pete condensed his thoughts into an insightful post titled 'The Etiquette of Crowdfunding, A Recipients View' which can be found at this link. The full post is an essential read fro anyone with even a casual interest in the crowdfunding platform but bellow are 9 of Pete's tips for potential 'crowdfundees' which are expanded on in the post.

    . . . → Read More: Pete Brook – Prison Photography and the Etiquette of Crowdfunding

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