DS106 Never Parked
DS106 just keeps going and going… See where it’s been before.
They’re Here… The Open ds106 Course
ds106 poster by Jim Groom http://bavatuesdays.com/theyre-here-2/
Random Sampling the Past ds106 Flow
This week has just reminded me of how close we are to the end! I feel that many of my professors are just now starting to hand out and assign their final projects! It is a bit overwhelming but I am trying to manage! For this week I was able to use more of my …
Continue reading "Weekly Summary"
At long last, the radio show has been completed! Over the past few weeks my group and I discussed how we wanted to approach our radio show via our text group chat, and we eventually decided to meet in person to solidify what we wanted to do and do our recordings. On Tuesday, Sterling reserved […]
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