The Open ds106 Course

based on cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo by Alan Levine:

based on cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo by Alan Levine:

Not technically a course this is another experiment in offering a full ds106 experience to open participants based on previous syllabi taught at the University of Mary Washington (UMW). The first was August-December 2013 as a “Headless ds106”. This Open ds106 is a re-organization of that experience, but without references to date or time- this could be something individuals or groups could do at any time, at any pace.


  1. Mridula

    July 27, 2015

    My thoughts about Academic freedom
    It is to be exercised by the educators but they need to understand:

    1. They must be able to provide adequate and full knowledge as required by the level and course of study

    2. The exercises/assignments must make student not only cram the topic but also absorb the topic fully

    3. Finally, the feedback – Student’s work is complete only when the detailed feedback is provided to the student in the short period

    I am sure all these are same in Online as well as f2f environment.

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