based on cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo by Alan Levine: http://flickr.com/photos/cogdog/7995099857/
- About This Non-Course Course
- Unit 1: Bootcamp
- Unit 2: Getting Through Bootcamp / Personal Cyber Infrastructure
- Unit 3: What Mean Ye Digital Storytelling?
- Unit 4: Listening to Audio
- Unit 5: Telling Stories in Photos
- Unit 6: It’s All By Design
- Unit 7: Advanced Audio And Radio Show Production
- Unit 8: Telling Stories Within the Web
- Unit 9: Reading Movies
- Unit 10: Making Movies
- Unit 11: ximeR and M@$#up
- Unit 12: Final Project and Wrap Up
Did I do this right?
My thoughts about Academic freedom
It is to be exercised by the educators but they need to understand:
1. They must be able to provide adequate and full knowledge as required by the level and course of study
2. The exercises/assignments must make student not only cram the topic but also absorb the topic fully
3. Finally, the feedback – Student’s work is complete only when the detailed feedback is provided to the student in the short period
I am sure all these are same in Online as well as f2f environment.