Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Re3m

    Final Blog Post

    Well it’s about that time to say goodbye to CT101. I will miss this class,  it was pretty amazing after all. From “What is making me happy on the internet” to  “Are memes Art?” to our first domain, and last but not least The Zine Project. Each assignment was fun to do, no doubt about … Continue reading "Final Blog Post"
  2. Re3m

    ZINE Page 2

    This is my second page of the ZINE project  I decided to use the other one too. I reused some of the images I had on the previous one I made also I used the same words so it is somewhat of a remake of my first attempt. I used the hue/saturation option to make … Continue reading "ZINE Page 2"
  3. Re3m

    Gif Portrait

    This is second gif I made, I made it a while ago,but never really got to post it. This one took  ten images to make. So, if your ever wondering what is the max amount of images will allow  for you to use to make a Gif…….. 10 is not the answer. There’s probably … Continue reading "Gif Portrait"
  4. Re3m


    Just wanted to share the first gif I made from scratch This was pretty fun to make actually It was cool to play around with some filters and other tools in photoshop to make this I didn’t do that much I just changed the hue and saturation to give it that hulk look and I … Continue reading "Gif"
  5. Re3m

    Kareem O-U-T

    I know I haven’t post anything in while, and you’re probably wondering….. ………. Okay I wasn’t going to tell you anyways ……. …………….. but with that being said i’m just here to say goodbye for the moment. It’s been real guys, but I’m moving…… so yeah So, most of the time I will be posting … Continue reading "Kareem O-U-T"
  6. Re3m

    Project Ideas

    The Two project that stood out to me and I feel like I would Have fun doing is The End Is For Everything and Average Portrait  I Chose The End Is For Everything because I feel like the challenge would be to come up with some thing new and original and that requires me to … Continue reading "Project Ideas"
  7. Re3m

    Are Memes ART?

    are memes consider art ? Is art consider memes? is art, art why are memes call memes and not me me According to the internet  Art is often considered to be the product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. Memes appeal to people emotions so is it consider … Continue reading "Are Memes ART?"
  8. Re3m

    What is making me happy on the internet

    What is making me happy on the internet right now is Memes. I really like memes they are funny after all, Who doesn’t  need a laugh  right? We all know that the internet will be forever undefeated not even Floyd Mayweather stand a chance. Above is the latest meme that is going around it’s pretty … Continue reading "What is making me happy on the internet"

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