Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Reagan Hotz

    Tuning in to get Turnt

    This is my response to the Create a Radio Bumper assignment. I had to create a short radio bumper for the Ds106 radio station. When I hear the term “bumper,” the first thing I think of is cars, so it only made sense to base the bumper around that. I started with a car crash […]
  2. @Reagan Hotz

    Sound Effects

    I listened to Moon Graffiti as an example of audio storytelling. It is a radio drama about what would have happened if Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had crashed on the moon and remained there forever. There is far more going on that simple verbal dialogue. The voices are distorted to sound as though they […]
  3. @Reagan Hotz

    Something isn’t Quite Right

    This is my response to The Forrest Gump Project assignment. I had to photo-edit myself into a historic photograph. I really like how it looks like the kid driving the car is giving me the stink eye. I imagine he is thinking “Who is this with her futuristic looking clothing?” The other kids look like […]
  4. @Reagan Hotz

    What is That?

    This is my response to the That’s Not What I Expected assignment. I had to take a close up shot of an object in a way that it is difficult to guess what that object is. Can you guess what this is? The hardest part of this assignment was getting a decent picture when zoomed […]
  5. @Reagan Hotz

    Gee, That’s One Edgy Looking Flower!

    Scott Kelby’s book The Digital Photography Book, Part 5: Photo Recipes has a section on shooting a single flower. I used tips from it to shoot this image: Okay, I’ll admit this isn’t a flower, but it is the nicest looking plant I could get get my hands on. That, and I don’t think my […]
  6. @Reagan Hotz

    Someone Important Might Live Closer than You Think!

    Fellow Kansans, I point you to Jim Richardson as an example. He is a photographer who works for National Geographic. He has a studio in Lindsborg Kansas called “Small World Gallery.” He posts his work on Flickr. This photo of his immediately caught my eye because of its novelty. How do cars even get stacked like […]
  7. @Reagan Hotz

    Natural Light Portrait.

    After reading about taking portraits with natural light in Scott Kelby’s The Digital Photography Book, Part 5: Photo Recipes, I took this photo of my dad: I set the camera to Portrait mode to take a few, so I could make sure I got a decent shot for reference, but then I set it to […]
  8. @Reagan Hotz

    Poor Little Camera Dying in the Hospital

    I read an article titled The Death of Photography: Are Camera Phones Destroying an Art Form? It discusses the effect smart phone cameras are having on professional photographers. It is becoming harder and harder to find work as a photographer because in a world where nearly everyone has a mobile camera that takes decent pictures, professional […]
  9. @Reagan Hotz

    The Crucible Remix

    This is my response to the Alternative Book Covers assignment. The challenge was to create an alternative cover for a book that changes the entire theme. The Crucible was originally a bout the Salem Witch Trials. A crucible is a piece of lab equipment used to hold hot metals, so I made a cover that […]
  10. @Reagan Hotz

    Belle’s Awful Taste in Men

    This is my response to the Terrible Crossover Fanfiction assignment, for which you must use this crossover idea generator to create a writing prompt. I refreshed the page several times for two fandoms I have at least a vague degree of familiarity with. I settled on this one. Writing this fanfiction helped me not take things […]
  11. @Reagan Hotz

    The Internet? Who Could Have Guessed?

    I read this article written in the forty’s predicting future, post-war technology. A lot of it seemed eerily spot on. It predicted advanced mathematic machines that can be programmed using mnemonic code, which is essentially exactly what modern computers are. The mnemonic code would make commands much easier to remember and reduce the need for referencing guides. […]
  12. @Reagan Hotz

    Digital Media Week 2: Creativity & Copyright

    This week, we were assigned to watch two films, Rip! A Remix Manifest and Everything is a Remix. I wrote this blog post discussing my thoughts. I also had to read two articles from a list. I wrote a response to those as well. I also had to read this article and write a response to […]
  13. @Reagan Hotz

    Interesting Copyright Articles

    I was assigned to read two articles from a list and discuss them. I read this article about a woman who sued Getty for $1 billion because they exploited her public domain photographs for profit. She became aware of this exploitation when she received a letter accusing her of copyright infringement for using her own […]
  14. @Reagan Hotz

    A Remix Manifesto

    I had to watch two films, Rip! A Remix Manifesto and Everything is a Remix. These two films wrestle with the idea of copyright and intellectual property. The general position presented in both films is that copyright, while originally designed to encourage creativity and innovation, has grown to inhibit them. A copyright originally lasted 15 years […]
  15. @Reagan Hotz

    DS 106 Week One: Bootcamp

    I have set up various social media profiles for school related content. I also helped record an informative audio track to be played in Clyde Kansas during the town’s anniversary. I uploaded this picture of my cat to flickr. The most interesting thing I did this week was create this trailer on my Youtube Channel. […]

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