Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rockylou22

    Sharing to Learn – Learning to Share

    Reposted from a June 24, 2014 3M-DS106 Salon Blog Post.  All proprietary information has been deleted from this public version. Internal 3M Spark Post to R&D Community: Sharing to Learn – Learning to Share Posted by 3M-DS106 Salon Patroness Rochelle Lockridge The @3mds106salon continued our June topic discussion on data visualization.  Having a bit of fun I […]
  2. rockylou22

    Writing References. YUCK!

      OER14 3M-DS106 Trailer Collaboratively writing a paper and presenting at a conference with two people I’d never met in person was a fantastic learning experience from start to finish. It is totally amazing to me what can be accomplished within the digital realm I’ve landed in with the DS106 community.  I didn’t really experience anything […]
  3. rockylou22

    GIFing with Jean-Claude

    My latest round of creativity induced OCD started with a new GIFFight challenge from Michael B Smith (@mbransons) New #GIFFIGHT!!! #JCVD style. @ryanseslow @abelincolnjr @generalhowe @twoodwar @johnjohnston — Michael B Smith (@mbransons) March 1, 2014 There’s also a DS106 Animated GIF Assignment 1190 for any of the GIFFight projects to post to. After downloading […]
  4. rockylou22

    20 Steps Til He!! Freezes Over

    20 Steps til He!! Freezes Over At least that’s all it takes in Minnesota this year. Did you know that your iPhone will shut down if it’s out in 8°F for less than 10 minutes? I do… For DS106 Daily Create TDC 780 it was easy for those of my fellow DS106ers to create a video by […]
  5. rockylou22

    DS106 Rocks!

    If you’ve been following my communications out to the world over the last few days you know that the OER14 paper, “A DS106 Thing Happened on the Way to the 3M Tech Forum” that Alan Levine, Mariana Funes and I were writing was joyfully submitted on 2/27/14.  We’ll be presenting our 3M-DS106 Salon work at the […]
  6. rockylou22

    Headless ’13 – The End

    Without an instructor how would we know when to stop? When would we see “The End”?  Thanks to Mariana Funes for realizing that the UMW Fall semester ended on Friday, December 13th, 2013, the DS106 Headless ’13 course was given an end date. #DS106 is #4Life, but the Fall 2013 DS106 “headless” experience came to as […]
  7. rockylou22

    Ewww Brain… Now in 3D!

    My DS106 maxim of Reduce, Riff & Recycle has once again resulted in a fun, creative morning project.  Ewww Brain… Now in 3D! Last August,  DS106′s Talky Tina created daily GIF challenges to keep our creative juices flowing while we were waiting for the DS106 Headless ’13 course to begin. Talky Tina’s DS106 animated GIF challenge August 2013 […]
  8. rockylou22

    My dad died…

    Thurs. Jan 30, 2014 ring… ring…. that’s strange… my sister rarely calls…. Is Mom in the hospital again?…. “Hi Lee.  What’s up?” “We just found out that Dad died on January 11th.” “What? That long ago? How come nobody told us?” “I called around to the funeral homes to see if anybody had him. I […]
  9. rockylou22

    Rockylou – A 4H Winner

    In 1972 a little 4th grader, named Rochelle, and her mutt dog Charlie won the Top Junior Exhibitor dog obedience title at the Humboldt County dog show.  This was an exciting day.  I had been diligently training Charlie all year long in our local 4H dog obedience chapter under the tutelage of my best friend’s […]
  10. rockylou22


      At the end of April 2014 I’ll be attending the industry’s largest global M2M (Machine to Machine) conference in London as part of my strategic analyst job at 3M. But what’s that got to do with DS106 or OER14? And what’s with that P2PL in this post’s title? Let me explain. At 3M I […]
  11. rockylou22

    Ode to Surfer Dudette

    Surfer Dudette had her last wipeout on Nov 18, 2013. To ease my grief I wrote a poem (with Humpty Dumpty as my model) and produced the video Ode To Surfer Dudette in memoriam. Her tenure on my mantle and her guest starring roles in DS106 Daily Creates have come to an end. Her first appearance was […]
  12. rockylou22

    GIFAChrome Camera GIFs Cory Doctorow

    Professional photographer Jonathan Worth has put out an invitation for anyone to take his photos of Cory Doctorow, activist for liberalizing copyright laws and proponent for Creative Commons, and remix them in anyway you like. They will then choose from the best remixes and share any profits with their co-creators. A series of photographs taken […]
  13. rockylou22

    Riffs Sprouting Up Overnight

    UPDATE 12/06/13: Check it out we were featured on the GIFaChrome Connects blog. Another fun aspect of DS106 being an open online course that attracts global participation is that you can go to bed at night (usually way past a healthy bedtime because you just “had” to finish one more thing on that project) and […]
  14. rockylou22

    got ds106?

    Oh boy… did I have fun with the DS106 Daily Create tdc671. We were to make a poster for a new DS106 ad campaign, ‘got ds106?’, based on the ‘got milk?’ milk industry campaign started back in 1993. [Wikipedia article].  I created the DS106 DesignAssignment1234 to share the fun with future DS106ers.  I did a quick search of […]
  15. rockylou22

    Nana’s Nightstand

    This project all started because I was playing around with a new app, PIP Camera.  You know how one thing leads to another in DS106. => It’s time for DS106 video weeks.  YAY! My favorite digital storytelling medium. => I wanted to see what the Picture in Picture app could do. => As anyone knows […]
  16. rockylou22

    Meet Digital Diva Abby

    Yesterday’s ds106 daily create tdc644 was all about capturing an image of a dog.  Although the suggestion was to either take a picture or to draw one and take a picture of that, I figured since I have the digital media already hanging out on my computer, why not go a step further and share […]
  17. rockylou22

    DS106 is #4Life AND #4Work

    You haven’t seen much of me the last couple of weeks, but it’s all good.   I’ve been busy applying DS106 to my income producing job at 3M.  Because of what I’ve learned over the last few months, some directly from the CogDog himself, Alan Levine  behind the scenes, some from the DS106 course work, some […]
  18. rockylou22

    The DS106 Matrix

     ”Do you want to know what IT is?….Unfortunately, no one can be told what DS106 is.  You have to see it for yourself.” – Morpheus from The Matrix I’ve been working this week in Headless ’13 ds106 learning how to read movies.  The initial part of the week 10 assignment to analyze a scene from […]
  19. rockylou22

    Spinning Yarns for DS106 Radio

     ”There’s so much that happens in life.  Little stories, big stories. Things that were no story and all the sudden you realize the significance of it.  And that there really is a story there. But at the time you don’t know it.  And for a long time you don’t know there’s a story. Until something […]
  20. rockylou22

    DJ Rocks The Mic for DS106 Radio

    Introducing a future DS106 Radio DJ in training. He may only be starting to string words together, but with the magic of audio editing DJ and Nana have created a new radio bumper for DS106 Radio. [audio assignment 36] This all started because I noticed on my regular Wednesday afternoon visit that DJ was wearing a […]
  21. rockylou22

    Modifying DS106 to Work at 3M

    The pace of the open-online digital storytelling course DS106 is challenging – to say the least.  And the 3M-DS106 Salon  members and a few other 3Mers have been squeezing in time for lurking, learning, and creating digital storytelling projects relating directly to their jobs at 3M. The external Headless ’13 DS106 course is moving into advanced audio for weeks […]
  22. rockylou22

    Tending to My Cherry Red

    by   Once again I’m employing my DS106 time saver maxim to Reduce – Reuse – Recycle by creating a video that takes a close look at the food we eat (for DS106 daily create TDC 633) with photos and footage I had already taken. This time it’s with my favorite birthday cake which […]
  23. rockylou22

    LoDown Part 1 – (Episode 17)

    [UPDATE Oct. 7, 2013: This post was originally published on Scottlo's DS106Zone LoDown blog on June 5, 2013. I am republishing it as a post on my own blog. Easy link to audio file.] Hello… This is Rockylou standing in for Scottlo over at the ds106 open course in digital storytelling. We’re giving him a much needed break from […]
  24. rockylou22

    Know-It-ALL Thru Storytelling

    “It’s the undisclosed knowledge- the anecdotal knowledge.  It’s the stories that are missing. There’s an efficiency in story telling that you can not get from just the written text and then recorded videos.” – John Woodworth, 3M IT Manager I am currently in the midst of coordinating  the 3M-DS106 Salon in coordination with the Fall 2013 “Headless” DS106 open […]
  25. rockylou22

    Gifs, Gimp and Me (3M-DS106 Repost)

    Originally posted 10/2/13 on an internal 3M blog by “JS” a 3M-DS106 Salon member  I decided to go with the less creative title “Gifs, Gimp and Me” instead of what I originally thought of, which was “I ain’t no Gimp!” Which struck me as funny and worked on several levels but was a little unprofessional. […]
  26. rockylou22

    A Whole New World for Slide Guy

    With this manipulated photo image I am able to complete two DS106 visual assignments for the price of one. Giving me a final count of 12 stars when all is said and done for week 5 of the DS106 headless 13 open-online session. Slide Guy for Visual Assignment 595 (2 stars) where we insert a png […]

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