Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rockylou22

    Warholing a Rock ‘n’ Roll Stereo GIF

    Last night I was writing up my post for “Have a Rockin’ Birthday” with the usual addition of a nice tutorial to share with others since no one had posted one yet.  It slowly dawned on me how much work I actually put into completing one of my DS106 assignments.  I’m definitely puttin’ on my “A” ...
  2. rockylou22

    Have a Rockin’ Birthday

    I wanted to give my my son-in-law a special birthday card this week.  AnimatedGIFAssignments1086 was just the thing. Make someone a special birthday card, but make it extra special by including a GIF!!  Try to make the design unique to them (it’s THEIR birthday, after all!). I’m starting to get good at this now with ...
  3. rockylou22

    Bumping The LoDown

    What better way to show my appreciation than create a series of radio show bumpers for my teacher. Scott Lo hosting the LoDown for DS106 this summer + AudioAssignments36 to create a DS106 Radio Bumper + HAPPY STUDENT improving her audio storytelling skills = 5 different LoDown bumpers for Scott to use freely on his radio ...
  4. rockylou22

    Mashing a DS106 Radio Bumper

    Thanks to my fellow DS106 students who made sure they clicked on the “Allow Downloads” button in SoundCloud, I was able to mash this DS106 Radio bumper.  It’s short and sweet, just like this post. AudioAssignments36 Big kudos to my unsuspecting contributors…. Dylan Gott - Brooke Parker -  Kristen Lamb - Jennifer  - Rapt’nRent
  5. rockylou22

    Podcast Bumpers for Obruni Series

    For an earlier audio assignment to create a 90sec story out of at least 5 sound effects, I used sound effects that I already had on hand from a series of podcasts I am producing with my daughter, Amber. As before, I’m again making a slight tweak on the formal assignment description for DS106 Audio ...
  6. rockylou22

    Up, Up, And Away

      Still enamored with creating GIFs, I stayed up way too late last night creating this animated movie poster from the movie Planes by Pixar to be released in theaters August, 2013. (DesignAssignments313) Let me give you a little background on why I chose this particular movie poster. My name is Rochelle, and it’s not a very common name ...
  7. rockylou22

    Obruni Arrives in Africa – Sound Effect Story (Slight Variation)

    Amber arrives in Ghana, Africa. The new “Obruni”, or white person, both delights and scares the young children of Takoradi, and she soon discovers the way music can transcend cultural divides. Listen to the original full length podcast episode the sound effects were taken from at Audio editing is not for the faint of heart. ...
  8. rockylou22

    Week 1 FIREHOSE Summary

    Oh my… What was I thinking when I decided to sign-up for this course?  I’m taking this class, DS106,  as an open online student, and I wasn’t expecting the level of work requested by the instructors and the speed at which the material and assignments are rushing by during this summer version of the course. ...
  9. rockylou22

    GIF Evolution of ManyMe

      Inspired by my recent DS106 assignments I decided to take two of the projects I had completed this week, ManyMe and Go Daddy_Wheee, and use the skills and final products I created to visually illustrate the evolution of my ManyMe photograph. (Assignments: Multiply Yourself, Animated GIF) The objective of the Multiply Yourself assignment was to take ...
  10. rockylou22

    Go Daddy…. Wheeeeeeee

    Our only required DS106 assignment this week was to create an animated GIF from a Twilight Zone episode.  Me bad… I didn’t use a Twilight Zone clip…  But according to Talky Tina, who gave us the assignment, my GIF fulfills most of the other requirements. It’s B&W.  And it’s capturing a really nice childhood moment. “But ...
  11. rockylou22

    Splish Splash

    DS106 Visual Assignment 340 asked me to emphasize details- remove all color from a photo, and then restore the original color to a single object. Here’s one of my favorite examples from a project I did a few years back along with a printable 1-page directions handout. My partner is a singer/songwriter who also plays ...
  12. rockylou22

    ManyMe In Spring

    I was cruising the DS106 visual assignment choices for something that looked fun and challenging – yet would only take a couple of hours to complete. The MULTIPLY YOURSELF assignment (Take two or more photos of yourself in the same location and combine them into one photo.) really jumped out at me.  And it was ...
  13. rockylou22

    First Week’s Daily Creates

    I may’ve started late, but once I started, there was no stopping.  I was able to get my DS106 blog up and working, finish the entire week’s Daily Create exercises, uploaded my first photos to Flickr (and even created a photo set for DS106), and learned how to post to Twitter (@Rockylou22).  SoundCloud was new for ...
  14. rockylou22

    Welcome to DS106 Exploration

    At Rockylou Productions we enjoy telling the digital story. I’m looking forward to expanding our knowledge and expertise by participating in the world renowned digital story telling course DS106 as an open enrollment student. Really looking forward to all that we are going to learn and put into practice immediately.

ds106 in[SPIRE]