Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Samantha Booth

    5 Card Flickr Story: My Day

    This assignment was very fun. Hope you enjoy! Five Card Story: My Day a ds106 story created by samiamumw flickr photo by snakepliskens flickr photo by paulhami flickr photo by paulhami flickr photo by paulhami flickr photo by ravnclaw89 I had a few errands to run today so I went to town. When I got ...
  2. Samantha Booth

    Flickr tools

    I am just using the quick flickr widget which I like because it displays little thumbnails of my pictures on the side. It’s nice and neat looking and I think it adds to my blog site so it’s nice for people to see some pictures rather than just a bunch of text. It’s not too ...
  3. Samantha Booth

    dailyshoot trouble

    I tweeted my pic like six hours ago and it didn’t go to the dailyshoot site. My boyfriend is in the online section as well and said he had this same problem yesterday. I’ve retweeted it four or five times with the link and hashtags in different orders hoping it would work and I’ve noticed ...
  4. Samantha Booth

    Just a quick question

    Can anyone tell me how to get an avatar to show up when I’m commenting on my site and others’ sites. I set up the avatar on the ds106 site but can’t seem to find a place to upload one on my dashboard. Am I just missing it? Or is the gravatar plugin what I ...
  5. Samantha Booth

    Web 2.0 articles

    I guess I would define myself as not very computer or internet smart. I look at a couple specific sites a day and I understand how to use the tools on those websites, but that is about as far as it goes. I just simply use what I need to use and then leave the ...
  6. Samantha Booth

    Personal Cyberinfrastructure

    I totally agree with the message that is being portrayed through the article and video. I think it would be very beneficial to rework high school, maybe even middle and elementary school curriculum to incorporate this idea. If this were done, students could get to college and already have the background knowledge to go all ...
  7. Samantha Booth

    Experimenting with my blog

    I feel pretty accomplished for today. Most of what I’ve done isn’t something that all of you can see (adding new widgets, plug-ins, etc.) on the blog. Today was more of an accomplishment because I have learned more about how to work my dashboard. I set up my twitter account and followed jimgroom on twitter. ...
  8. Samantha Booth

    Something I almost forgotā€¦

    Last week when the class met in person we were asked to post about our experiences in another online class at UMW, if we had one. I almost forgot to post about it. Last spring I had an online economics class from UMW. Well, it was kind of a hybrid class. We had certain assignments ...
  9. Samantha Booth

    Assignment 1: Intro story

    I lost my poor meatball. You shall see that I find this title very fitting. For Christmas, my parents got me this really soft, really nice new jacket that I really wanted. It is furry and white. My boyfriend told me as soon as I got the jacket that I should take it off EVERY ...
  10. Samantha Booth

    My experience

    I’ve got to say that my experience with setting up a webhost and domain has been very…. frustrating. The actual process of filling out all the information was not hard and pointing to two wasn’t bad either. But there is the part where you could possibly have to wait 24-48 hours before everything works and ...

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