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  1. sanakhan24

    Flexibility in the kinds of Digital Storytelling projects you do

    The link I used to do this assignment was The DS106 Assignment Repository  my first assignment that i believe that I am fairly good at Is Animated GIF Assignments. This was on of my favorite assignments throughout the semester at ct-101. it is one of the best forms to show your exact emotions about anything. … Continue reading "Flexibility in the kinds of Digital Storytelling projects you do"
  2. sanakhan24


    When i first walked into the class I felt as if I have walked into a class full of people speaking gibberish. Not knowing anything about technology and not wanting to know anything about it made it quite hard for me to adjust in the class…. How ever that confusion only lasted for 10 mins, … Continue reading "Gifs"
  3. sanakhan24


    Are memes art? In my opinion anything that that helps one express their creativity is a form of art. Memes on many platform are defined as a cure of depression. This to me is on of the best way to describe memes . Its not only an innovative way of expressing ones felling but it … Continue reading "Memes"
  4. sanakhan24

    Pano Story

    group assignment…. whyy? Even though i have always done pretty well in group work it is the most frustrating thing to me during class. I am always the one taking care of everything in a group activity and not when group mates choose to not do what they are required from it makes a fun … Continue reading "Pano Story"
  5. sanakhan24

    Ms. Rona

    how am i feeling about proceeding in this class during A PANDEMIC. This semester has been a pretty hectic one out of my whole 4 years of college. All classes going online, which might not be the worst from some students but for students like me that get work done or learn more when face … Continue reading "Ms. Rona"
  6. sanakhan24


    I’m a little late but ill catch up hopefully. Hi I am Sana, a psychology major senior. I came back from a one month “family vacation” trip from my country Pakistan, which means that I didn’t have any form of access to the internet what so ever… yea I know no wifi for a MONTH. … Continue reading "Introduction"

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