Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. scottc1094

    Week 5 Summary

    This week was all about audio, which was interesting and a bit challenging for me as I have never experimented much with audio creation devices, such as Audacity and SoundCloud. This week I brainstormed some ideas for our future Radio Show, and created a Radio Bumper. I also participated in a live tweet-along of Ds106 radio, which… Read More
  2. scottc1094

    Radio Bumper

    For this assignment, we had to make a short “radio bumper”, which is audio that announces a radio station between songs. To make this bumper, I first created a clip of myself talking about the radio station, and then found a short, creepy sounding audio clip from for an introduction. I also found a beat… Read More
  3. scottc1094

    Edward’s Humble Abode

    Assignment This scene depicts what my horror character Edward hears outside of his manor every day. As you can tell, it sounds like a peaceful and relaxing place to live, but it may be a totally different story as to what lies inside. For this assignment, we had to create a story using at least… Read More
  4. scottc1094

    Daily Creates for Week 5

    This week, I did 3 daily creates. Five Card Flickr Story: @ds106dc My Flickr Five Card Story: Road trip for Two #tdc1351 — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) September 21, 2015 Crossing Abbey Road: @ds106dc #tdc1353 Mickey Mouse crossing Abbey Road #ds106 — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) September 22, 2015 and Latte Art: @ds106dc #tdc1354 Why… Read More
  5. scottc1094

    Emotions through Sound – Sadness

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to find different audio clips or sounds effects and combine them to symbolize a certain emotion.I chose sounds that I thought represented sadness.  To complete this assignment, I found four different audio clips on, and imported them into Audacity. I then trimmed them down and positioned them  to make the… Read More
  6. scottc1094

    Spooky Sounds

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to find different sound effects and combine them together to make something spooky, and have it last for at least one minute. To do this, I first found four different sound effects on and added them all into audacity. I then edited them to have them fit into… Read More
  7. scottc1094

    Audio Storytelling Reflections

    This week we have been solely focused on audio storytelling, and in the process, I have learned a lot more about how audio can aid a story. There are many different ways audio impacts the storytelling process, all depending on what kind of story it is and how the audio is used. For example, a story… Read More
  8. scottc1094

    Moon Graffiti

    After listening to Moon Graffiti, I almost felt like I was on the moon with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. There are so many distinct sounds in this story that really made it come to life. For example, when the shuttle crashed on the moon, there were very convincing sounds played that made it seem… Read More
  9. scottc1094

    Tales from the Crypt Audio Analysis

    For this assignment, I picked the first page (133) of Last Laugh from Tales of the Crypt to give an audio analysis on. I believe that the writing makes it fairly easy to imagine how sounds would effect the story. For example, there are clear signs given off to portray that emphasis should be used (such as bolding a… Read More
  10. scottc1094

    Radio Show Ideas

    For the radio show that we will be doing later this semester, I have a few ideas of possible topics or themes that we could possibly incorporate. The first idea, keeping with the theme of the course, is having a session dedicated to solely scary stories and tall tales that are featured and easily found… Read More
  11. scottc1094

    Week 4 Summary

    This week in ds106 has probably been my favorite so far. I have always had an interest in photography, so all the photography assignments this week were very interesting and valuable to me. This week, I completed 12 stars worth of visual assignments. The assignments I completed, were the Bucket List Photography Assignment, a Collage of my… Read More
  12. scottc1094


    Yellow is an attention-getting colour. A photo is dominated by yellow. Make a monochrome photo (monochrome doesn’t have to mean black and white) Make it green: green sleeves, green with envy, green eggs and ham. Make a photograph of a smile, either literal or symbolic. Get closer and fill the frame. Take a picture that… Read More
  13. scottc1094

    Cinematography- Bride of Frankenstein

    For this assignment, I chose to watch the Bride of Frankenstein. First off, this movie is already different than many others on the list, as it is shot solely in black and white as it is an older movie. Even though color is not used during this film, there are still other techniques that allow… Read More
  14. scottc1094

    Paranormal Image

      Standing on the top of the building, all of a sudden my electronic devices went haywire. We were still able to grab this picture, though, before “it” passed directly above us, speeding off into the horizon. For this assignment, I found an older picture of myself, and edited it as much as possible to give it… Read More
  15. scottc1094

    A-Z Photo Collage

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to pick a specific subject area, and then create a photo collage for something that starts with each letter of the alphabet. I chose to focus on city skylines in the United States. The cities included (left to right, top to bottom) were: Albuquerque,NM Boston, MA Cleveland, OH Denver,… Read More
  16. scottc1094

    You’re doing it wrong!

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to find a picture of someone doing something wrong. I searched on google for a while until I found a good image that I thought represented this assignment: an suv in the water along with the boat they were attempt...
  17. scottc1094

    Collage of my Pet

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to create a collage of our pet. I used Be Funky to create the collage, and gathered all of these images from off my phone. My dog is named Spencer, and he is a dachshund. He is almost 11 years old, and he is one of the things I… Read More
  18. scottc1094

    Bucket List Photography Assignment

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to find four pictures that describe what would be on our bucket list. I used the Be Funky website to make the collage, and found the pictures off of the internet. I previously did a writing assignment for my bucket list (linked here), so these are the same ideas, but… Read More
  19. scottc1094

    Visuals of Storytelling

    When I saw that this week in ds106 would be about photography, I was excited, as taking photos has been one of my favorite activities for quite some time. In high school, I was on the yearbook staff, so it was a requirement to take hundreds of pictures each week. I also purchased a fairly expensive… Read More
  20. scottc1094

    Week 3 Summary

    Week 3 was another good week in ds106! We had a lot of different assignments, which allowed me to to delve into many different categories of work. This week I completed 3 daily creates. This included cheering Kelsey up, @ds106dc #tdc1339 Hope this cheers you up! @KelseyStanbro — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) September 8, 2015… Read More
  21. scottc1094

    Horror Stories

    For this assignment, one of the stories that I read was ‘The Lottery’, by Shirley Jackson. I had read this story back in grade school, but for the most part had forgotten the details of it. Personally, I think that this story is more full of surprise and betrayal, than it is of horror. This… Read More
  22. scottc1094

    The Shape of Stories

    The Shape of Stories by Vonnegut was a very interesting watch, and was something that I had never really thought of before. For this assignment, I will be applying Vonnegut’s method to the ‘Last Respects’ comic from the readings this week. Here is a quick sketch I attempted to make to help visualize the process:  … Read More
  23. scottc1094

    Hello from your Horror Host

    Greetings, My name is Edward Creeper and I will be one of your horror hosts this semester. Horror has always fascinated me, and I am dying to share more of my experiences with you all. I am not looking to scare you innocent folks, but sometimes I can get a bit carried away with myself. You… Read More
  24. scottc1094

    Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

    Assignment For this assignment, I chose to watch an episode of Scrubs. If you haven’t heard of it, Scrubs is a hospital-based ‘dramedy’ that stars Zach Braff and Sarah Chalke. I’ve seen all of the episodes multiple times, so I just chose a random (and very sad) one, “My Lunch” (S5, E20). Since Scrubs is based… Read More
  25. scottc1094

    Bucket List

    Assignment I’ve never really had a bucket list for my life, but this assignment has challenged me to do just that. The first thing on my list would be to visit all 50 states at least once. I have always loved traveling and seeing new things, but have only had the chance to visit states on… Read More
  26. scottc1094

    Welcome to Paradise!

    Assignment My dream location would involve somewhere on a beach, and preferably an island. Mainly, it would be a place where I could totally get away from all the distractions of daily life. Here are some images of what I think that place would look like: I would bring my family and close friends along,… Read More
  27. scottc1094

    Week 2 Summary

    Week 2 of DS106 was quite exhausting, but was another fun week filled with unique assignments. This week, I customized my blog and added in all of the recommended plugins. I can already tell a big difference with these installed (especially Jetpack). I found that the assignment bank was the most fun assignment that we […]
  28. scottc1094

    Slender Man and Storytelling

    Up until a few years ago, I had never heard of the internet creature named ‘Slender Man’. It was not until slender man became an almost household name that I first began to learn more about him. I think the fact that web storytelling is so popular, certainly had an effect on the rising familiarity of […]
  29. scottc1094

    Scary Stories and Dolls

    After watching the three videos featured this week, it is obvious that the prevailing theme is “dolls”. In each story, we see dolls being used as the main horror device, going as far as causing death to some of the characters. I think what makes these stories scary, is the fact that dolls are used to portray […]

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