Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94987 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
Thanks to Giulia and Alan for helping to exemplify what my greatest hope for the BluePhase transmissions might be. That is bringing listeners to the ‘microphone’ to talk about matters related to ds106 in a free-form manner. This whole thing has fallen together in such a spontaneous and seemingly haphazard manner that I realize the […]
It seems I’ve been away for a while. The past months of online inactivity have provided a chance to think about what to do next. For the time being, I think it’s going to be something like this. Beginning September 16, 2013, I will try to two live ‘shows’ on ds106radio per week. These will […]
RockyLou’s been on fire this week with three successive installments of the LoDown. And it seems most of remaining days of the ds106zone course have been spoken for one form of audio program or another. As I will continue to have limited ability to update this blog for the next week, you’ll probably want to […]
Thanks to RockyLou, it looks like the ds106zone LoDown just might make it through the entire five week course. She has stepped forward and created a fantastic 26th episode featuring self-reflections from a couple of fellow open-onliners. I’m so grateful to Rochelle for her eagerness to pick up this challenge on such short notice. As […]
As mentioned in the recording, I will not be able to produce any more of these LoDown episodes for the remainder of the ds106zone. That means an opportunity for you to step forward and do your own course podcast. You are welcome to call it a LoDown (or whatever you wish). If you’d like, I’ll […]
Note: Below is the text from Alan’s blog post for LoDown 024. Tomorrow, I hope to return with number 25. cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by Bruce McKay When the clams and worcestershire get Scottlo too low to do his daily show, well, they can call in the Dog, that is […]
Note: Below is the text from Rochelle’s and Amber’s post for LoDown 23. Tomorrow, Alan Levine will be behind the mic to bring us LoDown 24. Rockylou’s (Rochelle Lockridge‘s) first foray into guest hosting the DS106 LoDown (episode 17) was a success. However, the original recorded “interview” between my daughter Amber and I, chatting about […]
Wesley’s recent commercial for the LoDown kicks of this 23rd installment. I love the way he brought in some audio from Professor Groom to set up his killer tag line: The LoDown is no joke. Brilliant and well executed, Wesley – thank you. I also spent a bit of time at the end with the […]
It’s only because of inspiring and excellent work being done by so many folks in the ds106zone that this podcast is able to continue day after day. Two cases in point are Katy’s Watch out it’s a driveby audio assignment and Rochelle’s Reflecting on ds106 recording. And by the time tomorrow comes, there will be […]
Week three of ds106zone is soon to be a distant memory. Everyone is scrambling to pull the radio plays together. And the LoDown keeps chugging along. The effort was greatly aided today by audio contributions from John and Brian as well a thought provoking series of emails back and forth with RockyLou. The Levelator from […]
It’s great to be back with another LoDown installment. This recording features a few tips for dealing with your volume levels in Audacity. Even though we are nearly done with Audio week, these principals will still apply when we turn to video next week and beyond. And they might even be of use to those […]
Note: Below is the text from Jim’s guest post for LoDown 018. I’ll be back for 019 tomorrow and Rochelle and Amber are slated to wrap up their awesome segment from yesterday on Tuesday for LoDown 023. Once again, I’d … Continue reading →
Hello… This is Rockylou standing in for scottlo today. Giving him a much needed break from producing these daily episodes of the LoDown. I can’t imagine trying to do this daily for 35 days straight. Making one of these is … Continue reading →
Big thanks to Grant, Christina and Brian for creating the brilliant Twilight Zone inspired ds106 radio bumpers that made this episode possible. I’m also grateful to Rochelle and Jim who will be guest hosting the LoDown on June 5 and … Continue reading →
This recording was done live on ds106 radio. The mix level between music and narration at the beginning is less than ideal. The music is a bit louder than it should which might make listening on a loudspeaker challenging. But … Continue reading →
I forgot to mention in the recording that the featured Arch Oboler excerpt, entitled The Freak from the Devil and Mr. O series in 1970-71, originally aired in 1939 as The Ugliest Man in the World. The lead role was … Continue reading →
The big news today in terms of the ds106zone class is in Jim’s Week 3 Preparation: The Radio Show blog post. If you’re a UMW taking this course for credit, you really must read it now. And after reading it, … Continue reading →
As mentioned yesterday, based on Thursday’s office hours hangout with Jim, the radio play status for UMW students is Game On. A post from Jim is forthcoming that will spell out the intricacies of week three and the assignment of … Continue reading →
The prayer call heard in the background was not Asr as I said but the final prayer time of the day: Isha’a. Everyday, similar sounds punctuate the day five times and can be heard nearly wherever one finds oneself around … Continue reading →
I need to begin this post with a bit thank you to open-online participants Mike and Rochelle. Were it not for Mike’s awesome blog post about his initial impressions from listening to some Arch Oboler radio horror, and Rochelle’s evocative … Continue reading →
The Create a ds106radio Bumper is another of the popular audio assignments you can choose from for week three. It’s a relatively easy two stars. But more than that, it gives you a chance to combine your own voice with … Continue reading →
It’s a little embarrassing to admit how long it took to pull this 8th installment of the LoDown together. When editing audio, things have the tendency to go wrong. You will all experience when week 3 comes around. Featured in … Continue reading →
Kudos to everyone who’s made it through week 1 intact. As much as I tried, I still wasn’t able to keep this one within the 5-7 minute zone. Sorry guys. As mentioned in the recording, I’m sending out an invitation … Continue reading →
For a long time, I’d dreamed of doing a daily podcast or radio type show. Seemed there was never enough to talk about. Also, the discipline to make such a project work for an extended period of time was always … Continue reading →
For the sake of having these recordings present themselves as proper podcasts that can be downloaded through subscription, I’ll forgo using mobile apps for the time being. The two previous installments can only be listened to by visiting the site. … Continue reading →
Experimenting with the SoundCloud iPhone app allowed this recording to quite a bit longer than anticipated (there’s also a free Android version of the app). A couple of links mentioned were: Arch Oboler’s Devil and Mr. O radio plays on … Continue reading →
listen to ‘ds106zone LoDown 003’ on Audioboo Today’s ds106zone LoDown was recorded with the AudioBoo app on an iPhone 5. Embedding the player on this WordPress blog was a bit confusing as it didn’t appear in preview mode. I was … Continue reading →